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"You a psycho, you know that?" Sasha commented as she and Pam left another store with half a dozen bags between them. "Why the hell did we buy all of this?"

After Sasha confided in Pam about her and Joe's decision, the first thing the petite woman did was take Sasha shopping. And not just any kind of shopping, either. The horrified mother-of-two was dragged to every lingerie store in the mall, from La Perla to Victoria's Secret, and she stood by bewildered as Pam chose pieces she thought would look good on her friend. G-strings and stockings, babydolls and teddies, cotton and lace; Pam picked at least one of each. Sasha wondered how she kept letting herself get talked into situations like this. "We said we're taking things slow, Pam. Buying new underwear is not taking things slow."

"No, it's being proactive," Pam stated matter-of-factly. "You gotta be prepared, girl. Joe will be back home before you know it, and you never know when he might decide to strike, if you catch my drift."

"But the bras and panties I already own are fine."

"Honey, there's bras and panties, and then there's lingerie," Pam corrected. "Lingerie is exactly what you need if you wanna get the ball rollin' with Joe. Ooh, you're gonna look real sexy in that white babydoll outfit. Maybe you should wear that one first."

"I'm just surprised Victoria's Secret had sizes big enough for my butt." Honestly, the thought of exposing her body to Joe was terrifying. Having squeezed out two babies and left with stretch marks on her stomach and hips, sexy was the last adjective to describe her with. Sasha wasn't fat, but next to her best friend she looked relatively out of shape. Thanks to her line of work, Pam was a trim, toned specimen. And Joe...well, he was perfect, plain and simple. Intimidatingly perfect.

Damn, she really shouldn't have let Pam waste her money.

"Oh, quit your whinin'," Pam reprimanded her. "Do you know how envious I am of your body? I gotta work my ass off to look like this. You've popped out two babies, hardly exercise and you still look like a video ho."

"I resent that."

"You know what I mean, you dummy. Anyway, trust me on this, the lingerie is a smart decision. I know the Samoan Adonis will appreciate the gesture." She wiggled her eyebrows, and laughing out loud, Sasha shook her head. "You are so excited about this," she said, "Maybe we should switch places. You go hump Joe in the sleazy underwear and tell me all about it."

"Naw, honey," Pam countered, "As tempting as that sounds, it ain't gonna happen. He couldn't take his eyes off you that time you introduced us. He's all yours and you will make the most of it, alright? You can thank me by screaming my name while he lays the pipe."

"Oh God." Sasha covered her face. Pam was incorrigible. "You a crazy bitch, Pamela."

"I love you too. Now, let's go get our hair did."



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