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For all the criticism the WWE received from time to time, their impeccable level of organization was never in doubt. Not least during WrestleMania week, the most important seven days in the company's calendar year. So many things were occupying their time, there were so many Superstars' family and friends' arrivals to handle, and yet it was all handled smoothly. Like Joe for instance, who had tons of family and friends coming in from Tampa, Pensacola, and San Francisco itself. Somehow, they all made it into town at the scheduled times with every logistic sorted out.

It was the same on Thursday afternoon, when Sasha and the group from Tampa arrived. Joe had managed to get tickets for Pam, Elgin, Reggie, Cheryl and the twins Gabby and Regina, all of whom got sucked into the Mania hype the moment they stepped down from the plane. Sasha sauntered into San Francisco decked out in Joe's 49ers jersey, a dark, form-fitting pair of jeans and killer Louboutin heels, large Marc Jacobs sunglasses perched on the bridge of her nose. Pam had commented with a playful wink that she looked every inch like an athlete's wife. Sasha had winked back and laughed in response, glad that her best friend was here with her. The day before, she and Elgin had had to physically pry Imani out of Pam's hands before handing the infant over to Elgin's parents for the weekend. This was the first time the newlyweds would be away from their daughter, and Sasha was going to ensure they had a relaxed, enjoyable weekend. It was also their first WWE show, and what better event to start with than WrestleMania?

 It was also their first WWE show, and what better event to start with than WrestleMania?

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Joe had booked two suites – one for him and Sasha, the other for T.K. and Mia. He was knee deep in Axxess as well as media work and wouldn't catch up with them until late at night. T.K. soon disappeared to go meet up with Alma's sons, so Sasha hung out with Pam until her yawns became too frequent. After ensuring Mia was safely tucked in, she retreated to her own room. She undressed and made herself comfortable in the plush king bed, deciding to sleep in the nude as a little surprise for her boyfriend when he returned.


Sasha knew instinctively that she was awake earlier than she would have liked. Her eyes flickered open, adjusting slowly to the dimly lit room. The time on her phone said six a.m. Yeah, too early, considering this was a vacation of sorts. A very warm, very familiar body was all up in her space, a massive arm wound around her and resting on her breast. She shifted around in the bed and smiled softly, watching her man sleep. Gosh she'd missed him. His chest rose and fell steadily, his breathing deep and even. How beautiful was he? She could stare at him forever.

Joe stirred and moved a little, then his eyelids slowly opened to reveal those beautiful grey irises of his. Sasha's heart fluttered at the small smile that tugged his lips, bringing out the cute little crinkles at the corner of his eyes.

"Hi," he mumbled, closing his eyes again and snuggling closer to her.

Giggling at how tired he sounded, she cupped the underside of his jaw, stroking it gently, then pressed her lips to his. Morning breath be damned – she hadn't kissed him in forever. It was the third kiss before Joe realized what was going on and responded. He was still half-asleep, and Sasha reached down and grasped the one part of him that was definitely awake. She felt him gasp into her mouth, his hips arching into her hand on reflex as she stroked and squeezed his dick. His leg shifted to slide in between hers, and stroking him one more time, she eased him inside her, and his moan of pleasure vibrated against her tongue. They remained on their sides, moving together slowly, bodies grinding and tongues sliding against the other, both humming serenely at the lazy but fantastic morning sex. The pace never changed, staying slow and unhurried, with languid kissing and lazy grinding. Joe dragged his hand along Sasha's thigh, gripping her butt to push himself deeper inside her. His middle finger slipped easily between her ass cheeks to probe her other entrance, his cock stroking her towards a slow shuddering orgasm that had her moaning and shaking in his arms. A few seconds later it was him shaking. They stayed wrapped around each other afterwards, continuing their leisurely kissing.

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