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Sasha Morgan scoured the dairy section of the supermarket in search of skimmed milk, her annoyance growing when it was nowhere to be found. Why was it always that whenever she urgently needed something, it was always out of stock? Happened all the damn time. She couldn't drink any other kind of milk – it was cheaper, for one – and she wasn't sure when she would have time to come back here. For some reason this unfortunate incident was grating on her nerves. She could easily chalk her foul mood to lack of sleep last night. Her bed got lumpier and less comfortable with each passing day. But there was no money lying around to replace the mattress, so she had to suck it up. Experience had since established that uncomfortable mattresses were far better than sleeping on the floor. Still, it did nothing to alleviate her sour disposition.

A heavy sigh escaped her when she remembered she hadn't come to the store alone. What was taking Tyson so long to get a couple of batteries? He was the reason they were here in the first place, to buy batteries for the camera he was using for his field trip today, and the reason he was about to be late for school and she for work. Why he couldn't have reminded her of the batteries during the weekend, she didn't know. She wasn't about to go looking for him. She was leaving the store, and if he wasn't there by the time the bus came, she was leaving without him.

Turning around to make for the exit, she collided into what felt like a brick wall. The impact threw her off balance, and she was sure she would have fallen if she hadn't been grabbed by her arms and held steady before she could keel over.

"Crap. I'm so sorry, ma'am," she heard a deep voice say above her. Regaining her bearings, she pulled away from the strong grip and pushed her hair out of her eyes, more than ready to deliver a well-deserved verbal lashing at her assailant. But when she raised her head, her mouth instantly went dry.


He had to be the biggest man she'd ever seen

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He had to be the biggest man she'd ever seen. Well over six feet in height, he towered easily over her five-foot-three frame. He was built powerfully, with muscles everywhere, accentuated by the tight t-shirt stretched across his broad chest. His dark hair was pulled back in a long, slick ponytail, a goatee highlighting his bearded face. At first glance he reminded her a lot of Reggie back at the Grill, with his smooth olive skin tone and strong features, only he was taller than her boss. And much better-looking...

"Sorry about that. Are you okay?" he asked her with concern in his eyes, which, if she was not mistaken, were grey. She would remember those eyes for a long time. She caught herself, however, frowning up at him because he'd jeopardized her safety.

"I would be if you didn't almost run me over with your big-ass self," she retorted. Her smart mouth had gotten her into trouble a couple of times in her life. This was looking like another one of those times. This guy could easily whip her ass with one arm tied behind his back, but in the temperament she was in she was sure she could give him a run for his money. Living in scrappy neighborhoods all her life had taught her a thing or two.

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