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The hotel bar was crammed with WWE superstars and crew milling about, hanging out and chatting – even after a busy day no one seemed ready to go to bed yet. Lifting his beer to his lips, Joe watched with a smirk as T.K. lounged on a sofa in the distance, literally sandwiched between NXT girls Peyton Royce and Billie Kay, a dreamy look in the kid's eyes as the two beautiful girls wrapped around him from both sides. The Australians were chatting animatedly, and he probably wasn't getting a word in but he seemed perfectly content just listening to them and their appealing accents. Joe was tempted to take a picture and send it to Sasha, but knowing his protective girlfriend, she would probably freak out over this little tableau.

"Looks like someone's got their 'protective big brother' headlights on."

Joe turned as Jon slid into the barstool beside him and cast him a smirk at his statement. "Like you haven't taken to the kid," the Samoan disputed smoothly.

Jon shrugged. "Touché. It's tough not to like him though." He motioned for the bartender to get him what Joe was having. "He's like a cute little puppy dog ya know? You just wanna keep him and pet him."

Joe laughed. "Sasha will kick your ass if she hears you referred to her kid as a dog."

"Only way she's gonna hear about it is if you open your big mouth," said Jon, craning his neck to look over at Colby sitting quietly on the other side of the Samoan. "Dude, what the fuck's wrong with you? You've been quiet all damn day."

Colby looked up from his beer and met his best friends' inquisitive gazes. "Fine, fine. I um...I've been thinking of proposing to Lauren," he said.

The statement was calm but full of resolve, and it brought instant smiles to his friends' faces. "For real? When?"

The Davenport native shrugged one shoulder. "Haven't decided yet. But I just know it feels right, guys. Everything's going good for us. Our careers, us living together...it's really good. Feels like it's the right time to take this step."

Joe grinned. "That's awesome, man. You know we approve. L's a great girl. She was there for me through my shit with Andrea. She's been there for you since y'all were teens. You're perfect together," he said, with Jon nodding his agreement.

A bartender placed a bowl of nachos and guacamole dip in front of the three men. Jon immediately reached for a chip as Colby pushed his two-toned hair back and focused his gaze on Joe. "So what about you, big man? When are you going to pop the question to our girl Sasha?" he asked.

"I did."

The boys gaped at him. "What?!"

"Not directly," he clarified. "I told her I planned to someday. But I think I freaked her out so I've put the kibosh on it, for now."

"Oh. Well, I'm sure it'll happen eventually," said Colby. "Maybe she doesn't feel ready yet. But she obviously loves you and wants to be with you. T.K.'s like a little brother to you now. I say you're pretty close to settling down and having the family you've always wanted. It's only a matter of time."

"I don't think it's that set in stone, bro. But we've decided to take things a little slower, which makes sense. We haven't been together all that long anyway."

"What about moving in together?"

Joe strummed his fingers on top of the table. "Same thing. Taking our time." He turned and raised an eyebrow when he saw Peyton and Billie leading T.K. towards one of the elevators. "Where are they going?"

-"Where d'you think they're going?" Jon smirked.

"Not to watch Dora the Explorer, that's for sure." Colby hid his snicker behind his beer bottle.

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