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The sound of her cellphone ringing jolted Sasha awake. Groaning tiredly, she fumbled blindly for the phone on the nightstand, answering without checking the ID. "Hello?" she answered. Right now, she couldn't open her eyes if she tried.

Joe laughed at her sluggish voice. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

"Holy crap, is it ten already?" she groaned, throwing her hand over her face. He'd texted her the night before asking to take her out to breakfast. She agreed for ten, but she was so sure it was four a.m. right now. She felt like she had just gone to bed after her long shift which had ended at two in the morning.

"Nope. But it's nine, so get up." He had gotten up to jog at six, was at the gym by seven-thirty, showered and done some chores, and was now heading out to pick her up. His weekend routine was usually earlier but he eased up this week thanks to his break. For years he had trained himself to start his day early, and found it strange when people weren't up by eight o'clock at least. "I'm already on my way, so you might as well get up and get dressed so we can hang out."

"Yes, sir," she griped, rolling unceremoniously out of her bed.

"That's the spirit. See you soon."

Sasha hung up, stretching and yawning her way to the bathroom. As cranky as she might have sounded over the phone, she wanted to spend time with him, so it was enough incentive to get ready. She dressed quietly, putting on a white shirt and red pair of jeans, capping it off with boots and a black leather jacket. She made breakfast for T.K. and Mia while she waited for Joe.

 and Mia while she waited for Joe

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"You look nice," T.K. strolled into the kitchen, taking over hot chocolate-making duties from her. "Going out?"


"With Roman?" T.K. reached into the fridge for the bread and peanut butter. She nodded, trying to gauge his reaction. She'd told him about Joe, not elaborating too much since she was still testing the waters. She was curious as to what he was thinking right now.

"I was thinking about taking Mia to the park," T.K. stated, "We'll probably go to Uncle Reggie's afterwards so she can hang out with the twins."

"That's a good idea." She bit her lip, staring at her son. When he was unhappy about something he got really quiet and kept to himself, like he was doing now. "Look, Ty, if you don't want me to see Joe..."

But T.K. shook his head. It wasn't that he minded her going out but being her son, he was always going to be protective. Sure, he had his reservations about Joe being younger than her and he was a wrestler and he'd heard all sorts of stories about how they used women like they were trash. But she seemed to really like this one, so he had to give the guy a chance. For now. "Of course not, Ma. Go ahead, go have fun. And don't worry about Mia either; I'll take care of her."

Sasha returned is smile and gently stroked his head, a gesture that soothed him from the time he was a baby. "I know you will. Thank you, sweetie."

Into The Deep End - A Roman Reigns StoryWhere stories live. Discover now