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Sasha stood outside the door to T.K.'s room, a tender smile crossing her features as she listened in on Mia groaning at her brother's bad jokes. The days after Christmas and the New Year were a very eventful time for the mother-of-two, as the Grill was increasingly busy thanks to the holiday season. She hadn't had the time to talk to her children about Joe's proposition. But now that she was free and they were all together at the same time, this evening was as good a time as any. Knocking on the door, she gently pushed it open. "Hey, can I talk to you guys for a minute?"

Mia immediately shifted to make room on the small bed for her mother to sit down. "What up, Ma?" T.K. asked.

"I'd like your opinion on something. Both of you." As she rubbed Mia's back and assessed their expectant countenances, she took a deep breath and hoped that this little talk went down well. "How would you guys feel...about moving in with Joe?"

She saw both their expressions morph to surprise. "Moving in?" T.K. repeated, "You mean like, living with him? Permanently?"

Sasha nodded, making sure to make eye contact with each of her children as she spoke. "On Christmas Day he and I were talking, and he asked if the three of us could move in with him. I told him I'd talk to you both, that we'd mull it over, then give him an answer when we're good and ready." She exhaled softly. "So what do you guys think? You can be honest with me."

The two children exchanged glances. Mia gave her two cents first, a big smile on her face. "Yeah Ma, I wanna go," she said, leaning into her mother's side. "I like Joe and I like his house. It's huge and it's got a pool."

Of course her little girl was in it for the toys. She looked at her son, knowing he was the one that needed to be swayed. "What about you, Ty?"

T.K. seemed deep in thought. Then he looked at Sasha. "What do you think, Ma?"

Surprised a little, she blinked, not expecting him to ask her opinion. "Well, he lives in a nice neighborhood. I think a change of scenery will be good for you both," she said. "He wants to hook y'all up with your own bedrooms, I'm sure you'd like that."

"Our own rooms," Mia gushed dreamily, reaching across her mother's lap to nudge her brother's knee. "Say yes, Ty!"

Tapping Mia's hand playfully, T.K. lifted a shoulder in a shrug. "I guess it won't be such a bad thing. I mean, it's not like we're moving out of town. Though Joe's place is a little far away from the main town."

"I don't think that'll be a problem," said Sasha. "I know the bus routes and school and the dance studio will be at a further distance, but we'll work that out." Holding onto their hands, she looked at both of them. "This is something I want you both to be comfortable with so take your time. Mull it over. Alright? Mia sweetie, go get cleaned up. I'm gonna make dinner."

Mia bounded out of the room, and Sasha and T.K. went into the kitchen. Now that his sister was out of earshot, the teen asked the question that was really on his mind. "Am I the real reason you want us to move?"

Sasha held his gaze and knew she had to be honest. "One of the reasons," she confessed. "What happened to you hit too close to home, baby. Montel next door said these gangs are drawing closer to this part of town. I can't leave us here anymore if that's the case. I'm thinking about your sister too. If it wasn't Joe's place, then it would have been Pam's old apartment which is still on the market. It's over my budget, but I'd have come up with something, anything to get us outta here. Joe wants us closer to him and honestly, so do I. I wanna be with him."

T.K. took a seat at the kitchen table as he watched his mother start up on dinner. "Things are real serious between you now," he observed. "You gonna marry him? I think he wants that."

Into The Deep End - A Roman Reigns StoryWhere stories live. Discover now