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Hi everyone, first of all I wanted to thank those who clicked on my story and read it, I hope you like it so far. I'm writing this because I wanted to apologise for not publishing lately. i really don't have the energy or time to write at the moment but in three days school is over for me so I'll try my best to write the last few chapters in a few days. I've decided to finish this book pretty soon because it doesn't really have a structure to it and i didn't plan it out properly so I will come up with an ending that sticks with how the story has been going so far. I will also be writing oneshots (most likely) for mha, hxh and the mcu when i have finished this.

Feel free to criticise my writing, i want to improve. I am more for constructive criticisme but if you just want to be mean I don't mind either, whatever makes you feel better (:

I'll see you soon with another story, bye!

-lots of love, the author

A new start - killugonWhere stories live. Discover now