chapter 5 - a new discovery

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gon's pov-

 I woke up to find myself hugging killua, I quickly moved off of him out of embarrassment but as I moved my leg from around his waist I felt a slight bulge in his underwear. He must have had a wet dream or something, I mean I can't blame him we're only teenagers after all. I quickly left the room so if he wakes up he won't feel embarrassed.

Despite my lack of cooking skills I decided to make crêpes for breakfast. I made a couple of burnt ones but I made a few decent ones, I hope he likes them. Killua was taking a long time to wake up so I decided to eat one of the crêpes with a glass of milk. When I had finished eating I washed up my dirty dishes and soon after a sleepy killua came into the kitchen. "good morning killua, sleep well?" I asked. He responded with a sort of grunt, I guess it's too early to bother him. "well I made crêpes, they aren't the best but I tried my best, I'm gonna go have a shower." I said leaving him in the kitchen.  

 As I showered I thought back to the day I spent with killua at the aquarium. It was really fun, I'm glad he's my friend! It would be so annoying if I had a room-mate that I disliked. When I had finished washing up I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked back to killua's bedroom to get the clothes that I had left there the previous night. As I walked in, I saw killua laying on the bed, he had a glass of water and was on his phone. He looked up to see what I was doing and spat out his drink. "holy cow gon! Why are you naked in my room?" "i'm not naked I'm wearing a towel, I was just getting my clothes!" why is he being so dramatic. "right w-well hurry up and get your clothes then!" "that was what I was doing until you interrupted me!" I quickly grabbed my things but as I got up to leave my towel slipped. I froze. I noticed killua's eyes roaming up and down my body, I quickly grabbed my towel and apologised before heading back to my room. That was so embarrassing! And why did he have to stare for so long. I started blushing as I remembered the way killua couldn't keep his eyes off me. As much as I hate to admit it, I really liked how flustered killua got upon seeing me naked. I quickly disregarded these thoughts and got dressed before heading of to class. I didn't wait for killua because I was too embarrassed to face him but unfortunately our first hour was history. I saw killua walking towards the classroom looking a little down, I hope he's okay.

I went into class and no one was there yet except for hisoka. "gon?" he said, I really didn't want him to talk to me but I couldn't just ignore the teacher. "yeah?" I asked hesitantly. "I just wanted to apologise for the other day, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." well that was unexpected! "oh, well apology accepted." he smiled at me for a while and got back to what he was doing. I'm glad he apologised but he is still a creep.

Soon after my interaction with hisoka, killua walked in. He smiled shyly at me and sat down. "uhm, the uh crêpes were very nice." he said trying to not be awkward. "oh uhm thanks" I smiled at him. He blushed a little which I thought was pretty cute. Our day went on as usual after that. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I have come to the conclusion that I have a crush on killua. I don't think I'll tell him because I don't want it to be awkward between us.

 Our week went on and soon enough it was Saturday. I've been doing things to try and get a reaction out of killua for example when I'm on the sofa I lift my shirt up a little bit or when I eat something nice I moan a little. So far he doesn't seem to have reacted much apart from the occasional blush. Despite his lack of reaction I still think it's pretty fun. I decided to not do it all the time to not look suspicious though. It's been a while since killua and I did something interesting together so I asked him if he wanted to go on a walk with me.

"hey gon? I need to tell you something." is he going to say he likes me! No I wont get ahead of myself even though I would like it if he did so happen to like me back. He probably doesn't even like guys. "oh, what is it?" "well I wasn't sure if I should tell you but I trust you enough to accept me, you seem like an open minded person... well uhm I'm gay." "oh ok" I replied casually. In reality I was super exited because it means I might have a chance! "so uhm you don't mind?" he asked nervously "well I'm bi so it would be odd if I had a problem with your sexuality." "oh, that's cool."

After our little conversation, we headed back to our flat. "so gon, what are you gonna do next week?" killua asked me. "what do you mean? I'm gonna go to school of course." "but it's the holidays" I didn't know, "oh, well nothing then and you?" I asked him. "oh uh well I was just gonna sleep a lot, you can sleep with me if you want" he said flirtatiously. Why does he have to do this, I felt my cheeks heat up. "d-don't be stupid killua" I said flustered. "chill out I'm just joking... unless-" I hit the back of his head and he laughed. We talked for a bit then had dinner and went to bed.

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