Chapter 5

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Disclaimer I don't own Wharhammer 40K it belongs to Games Workshop

"Cultist...Cultist and a Leman Russ tank. More cultists...and there are one wait no two bloodletters." I stopped observing the enemy lines and stepped away from the observation-binoculars. I stood inside a little bunker made out of sand backs. Like the rest of the defenses, it was well made but it was still put together in a haste. It was in no way like the fortifications of the Death Korps but it would work, for now. At least I hoped so. If those forces had capable leader ore just much enough cannon fodder than we would be sooner or later overwhelmed.

"What is your opinion in this Joren?'' I asked the PDF soldier. I met him here after the speech I gave just some minutes ago. He was about in his early twenties with dark brown hair and a little bit of beard in his face. He looked somehow out of place in his uniform which seemed like it wouldn't really fit him. He seemed to think for a moment and then answered hesitantly. ''I don't really know Sir. I don't really know what to think about that.''

Of course, he didn't he was a PDF soldier. Of course, that wasn't a label of uselessness there were of course some PDFs that could give some guardsmen regiments a run for their money. But sadly, the PDF of Kanurus wasn't one of those. Although in my opinion that was not because of the gear they had. They looked like some kind of WW2 soldiers. They had bluish trench coats which reached down to their ancles. Their chest was protected by a flack armor chest plate similar to their Cadian counterpart. On their hads they had normaly a normal cap. A bit like a mix out of Mortian iron guard and a bit of Vallhallan. But they were lacking in one important part. Experience. If that what I heard was right then the PDF soldiers here hadn't even seen some kind of uprising. I mean for god's sake, the Swiss army had probably more real combat experience then the PDF of Kanurus.

With a signed. ''Well, Bratar what can you make out of this situation?'' I looked at the Cadian. The rest of the soldiers who came with us were inside and around the bunker behind cover. The senior officer seemed to stare in the distance for a second, then he focused his gaze again. ''Well in my opinion we have to hold this position as long as we can.''

I nodded. ''Exactly Bratar. The highest threat comes most likely from the daemons, but we shouldn't underestimate the cultists either. With them could be likely a psykter or two.'' I took a swing from my water-flask, the water tasted kind of old. ''Damm I already miss soft drinks.'' I thought. ''But hey! Look at the bright side of life gentlemen.'' Joren and Bratar looked at me like I had just said. ''Hey guy let's just go to the daemons and hug them.'' I scoffed and began to explain. ''Well, I mean look at it like this we fight against Korn daemons.'' Still no understanding. ''Ok look I know they are terrifying and just looking at them gives you the creeps. BUT! And here comes the But. They want blood and only blood. They don't minfuck your ore infect you with deadly virus. They. Just want. To kill. You. So, from all the fucked-up deaths caused by daemons those that will face us probably will be the less painful ones.'' Ok I may could have been wrong there but who cares.

After some time, I got a little bit bored and began to whistle ''It's a long way to Tipperary''. After some time Bratar and the rest of the Cadian began to hum. That was kind of weird. But apparently, they had their own version of that song and after short time we sang.

It's a long way to holy Terra

It's a long way to go

It's a long way to holy Terra

To the sweetest girl I know

Goodbye Armageddon

Farewell Cadia

It's a long way to holy Terra

But my soul's right there

After some time, I stood up. ''Well, guardsmen as great as that was but I will go on now there are some defenders to inspire.'' With that I went out of the bunker into the trench. I gave the soldiers a nod and began to walk. ''Commissar wait please.'' I suddenly heard. I turned around and saw Joren marching in my direction. ''With your permission I would like to come with you. If that is alright with you of course.''

I thought about it. I mean why not I mean it would be helpful to have someone around who knew what was going on so I nodded. We walked through the trench. I saw PDF and Guardsmen alike but they all had something in common they were kind of nervous.

They knew that the enemy was out there and they could always attack. ''Are you nervous Joren?'' I asked the soldier. He stiffened immediately, and honestly, I couldn't hold it against him. If a man who is from an institution which is known to shoot you if you are scared than sentences like ''Are you scared?'' or ''Are you nervous?'' then you probably expect to be shot.

''Urgh'' I groaned annoyed. ''Listen Joren I won't execute you for cowardice I just want to hear if you are scared or nervous. As a commissar it is my duty to keep your loyal and motivated so just tell me what goes through your mind?''

He stared at me for a moment thinking about an answer. ''Yes, I am scared I mean there are daemons. I actually never thought that they would be real.'' I really felt pity for that man. After all, just like me and the soldiers around us he was dispensable. The sad but hard truth was that the common tactic of the Astra Millitarum was that if one regiment got annihilated, they would just send three regiments and so on. But he was PDF not guard I wondered how dispensable he was compared to a guardsman.

Man, the more I thought about it the more depressing sounded my situation.

We kept walking through the trench until I heard kept walking through the trench until I heard something. It was something I didn't expect to hear in a trench, it sounded like, well barking? And no shit I found the source. It was a dog a normal German Sheppard dog. ''Ha! Look at that Joren you see that. If that is not a sigh.'' I laughed and crouched down. ''Comme here boy come here.'' The dog came slowly to me and I began to pet him.

Joren on the other hand was kind of surprised from my rection. ''I don't understand commissar. What is so great about a dog?'' ''Well, Joren.'' I began. ''Dogs can be very useful. Especially in our job. Dogs has been used in many conflicts throughout the history of mankind. I really wasn't expecting to find one here.''

''Maybe it escaped its old owner.'' Joren suspected. ''Probably'', I answered. I checked for a mark or something about that but I wasn't able to find one. I also used the moment to check the gender. ''Huh it looks like that boy doesn't has an owner. Hey boy, want to come with us, huh do you?'' The dog barked happily tail wagging while licking my face like crazy. I really enjoyed that moment. I actually found a little light in the grimdark. But sadly, like all great moments that one didn't last long.

It was first like a distant boom actually it was several distant booms. I slowly looked where the sounds came from and saw in the distance little dots flying into the air. And in our direction.

To this day I can't remember many details how my first real battle with the great arch enemy began. But I remember two things clearly. First, throwing myself on the ground like I would want to melt with it to escape the artillery fire. The second part was actually really easy to describe.

Hell. Came. Over. Us.

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