Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: Wharhammer 40K belongs to Games Workshop

"Enemy Leman Russ in front of us!" I announced pointing at the tank. The Baneblade turned its turret at the Leman Russ and fired at the enemy tank. The shell penetrated the tank and let it explode in a great fireball. ''Nice one!'' I congratulated the gunner.

''Thank you, commissar.'' He answered.

''How long until we reach the front?'' I asked the driver. Since our escape about 2 hours ago, we drove without a break through the no-man's-land. From time to time, we encountered some cultists but thanks to our tanks we were able to eliminate them quickly. ''Not so long anymore commissar. Ie can already receive some radio massages.'' He answered.

Now that I thought about it the further, we drove the more often were the encounters with the heretics. I also had some time to think. I was now sure that those heretics were worshippers of Khorn the chaos god of war and bloodshed. Also, something that was really weird were the guardsman themselves. I actually thought that they would shoot me on the spot as soon as they had their weapons back. But no, they were actually following me. Of course, they noticed my appearance but that was it. But that was a problem for later.

I opened the hatch of the main turret an began to scan the horizon. And then I saw them cultists and a lot of them. ''Alright guardsman the heretics are straight in front of us. We will brake though their forces with the use our surprise moment. We will not stop and keep pushing through their lines. Until we have reached the imperial lines or are dead. Understood!?'' I roared ''Yes sir!''

I manned the heavy bolter at the top of the main turret and made myself ready.

The effect was quite great in my opinion. The cultists weren't expecting us and weren't able to form a resistance quickly enough. So, we were able to make a quick push through. I shot on everything that moved. But suddenly something happened that I hadn't see coming.

Now before I tell you what the surprise was, I have to tell you about my thoughts about the all in all situation. Upon my arrival here I thought that this world was just struck by heresy. I mean it like this. There were heretics but no daemons so I assumed that the only foe we would face would be just crazy cultist well of course probably well-armed cultists but still cultists. An enemy who you would just have to shoot in chest, head or other vital organs and BAM! Problem solved very simple. But know the reality of the grim dark future just had to show me the finger. A big red finger with claws, teeth and a burning sword. Yes, ladies and gentlemen on the right next to me stood a Bloodletter.

It was like everything was on slow motion. I saw the blade coming from my right and ducked down. The blade swept over my head and cut through the bolter like a hot knife through butter. After that I quickly took my boltpistol and fired like a mad man at the warp creature. The bulets hit their target but it wasn't enough. With a quick motion it managed to grab my coat and yanked me out of the hatch holing me he tried to impale me with is sword but in the last moment I took my power sword and cut of the arm that was holding me in the air. I fell down on the metal tank hull and saw the Bloodletter staggering back in pain. I used that moment to strike again with the sword aiming for the left leg. With a quick strike I cut through it and the demon fell backwards in front of the Baneblade getting crushed in process.

I would have gladly taken this moment for a little rest but a bullet nearly hitting my head reminded me of my situation and I quickly jumped back in the tank and closed the hatch. Inside I looked in the face of Bratar who looked at me surprised. ''Are you alright commissar?'' That was indeed an interesting question. I mean before coming to this world I was a simple student. Except of some little schoolyard floggings and games I never gained any fighting experience. But here I was shooting at cultists and daemons lice I never did something different. That gave me an idea which I must admit came from Rick and Morty. Muscle memories. I mean the body I was in was definitely not mine, so maybe it was the instinct inside of its former owner. But it was just like the weird behaving guardsmen a problem for another time.

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