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Jimin frowned a bit in his sleep when he heard some whispers and giggles just over his head. He had a peaceful sleep last night, thanks to the safe arms of his husband, and they promised each other , that now they are gonna start with a whole new life, not at all thinking about their past.

Jimin smiled at the thought, but then notices the whispers turning into Hughed yells.

"Keep quiet he's waking up!"

"You are the one who is being the loudest!"

"Shut up Hoesuck!"

"You shut up Tealiean!"

"Guys...You need to stop..." Yoongi said and Jimin finally opened his eyes, but they widened seeing, soooo many people in the room, just over his head, hovering over the bed.

Jimin quickly crawled backwards towards the headboard, looking at them a bit startled and scared.

There was Tae, an unknown person, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon. So it did look like a crowd.

"Hey! What the-" Jungkook said, with wide shocked eyes, standing at the doorframe of their bathroom, a towel around his waist, looking at his family with big eyes.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Jungkook asked, and looked at Jimin, who was already looking at him with big curious eyes.

"Well... I have an announcement to make!" Tae said, clearing his throat, and then looked around, getting up on the bed,
"But before I announce it, and want my Jiminie to be the first one to know it." He said giving Jimin a big boxy smile.

Jungkook wanted to argue, but then his eyes landed on Jimin, who was looking at Tae with a small smile on his own face. So he just stopped, looking at Yoongi instead, who just subtly nodded at him reassuringly.

Jimin just blinked at Tae, still smiling and nodded. Tae crawled towards him and whispered something in his ear which made Jimin gasp like a kid.

Jimin looked up at the unknown person and then at everybody else and then at Jungkook and then back at Tae.

Tae cleared his throat again and looked at everyone else now. He got up, still standing on the bed. Now everyone was looking at him.

"So.... ladies and Gentlemen! I, Kin Taehyung! Announce to you-"

"Oh cut crap! Hobi and Tae are dating." Yoongi said, munching on an apple boringly.

Tae gasped, "Yahh!! How can you-"

"Congratulations!!" Mrs. Jeon was the first one to say, followed by Mr. Jeon, Jin and Namjoon.

"No you are not." Jungkook said in a very low voice, glaring at Hobi.

Tae just rolled his eyes, "Oh come on Hyung! Stop glaring at Hobi like that! You scared off my last boyfriend the same way!"

"Yeah because you don't need a boyfriend! You are very young for dating-"

"Me and your husband are of the exactly same age you Hypocritic Chimpanzee." Tae spat.

"Yaah! I'm your hyung you underage pornstar!"

Tae gasped, "You did not just call me a Pornstar!"

"Well you said once, that you wanted to be a sexy pornst-"

"Saxophone star you Mr. President of the deaf and dumb!!"

"Shut up you Taekonda!!"

"You Shut up You Jungcock!!"

"At least my Jungcock is larger your Taekonda!!"

"Geez! Shut up you shameless punks!! You are poiling my innocent Jiminie!" Mrs. Jeon pulled their ears and then made her way to Jimin and hugged him tightly.

★The Spoiled Beauty★ (JIKOOK) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now