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"So when was the first time, Jimin showed his rude behaviour?" Yoongi asked, opening the cap of his pen, ready write their answers on his notepad.

"He was in kindergarten, when he shouted at his teacher, in front of all the other students..." Mrs. Park said in a timid voice, looking down at her lap.

Yoongi nodded looking at the sad lady and then looked at Mr. Park, who was no different. Jungkook had told Yoongi about Officer Kim already, and he knew how this whole scenario was taking toll on the couple.

"Why did he shout? Did the teacher tell you something?" Yoongi asked, noting their answer on his notepad.

Mrs. Park and Mr. Park paused for a second, thinking and then exchanged a glance at each other before looking at Yoongi, "I don't remember the exact reason, but I do remember he shouted at her in front of all the students, leaving her speechless. That poor teacher couldn't say a word after that." She said, looking embarrassed remembering the scene.

Yoongi frowned a bit, thinking, but didn't say anything and then just wrote it down on the notepad as well.

"Alright?..." he said, then looked back at the couple. "Tell me more about how you got to know that Jimin's behavior is getting awful every passing day."

"He has always been rude with all the maids, shouting at them, screamin-"

"No no no Mr. Park." Yoongi shook his neck interrupting Park Kanju, "Tell me the specific incidents you remember, about Jimin's outburst."

Mr. Park paused and then exchanged a bit confused look with wife, but continued none the less. "Jimin was really rude to Jaemin. He even hit him whenever he felt like. Once he even hit his head with a-"

"No no no. Before Jaemin." Yoongi said, frowning even more at the couple, not accusingly, but he was definitely thinking something. " like, from the time till Jimin turned 10. That was when you brought Jaemin home, right?" He asked and the Park couple nodded , " Yeah so... tell me the incidents, of Jimin being rude, before Jaemin came."

The couple again exchanged a confused look, but started nonetheless.

"He was always interested in just materialistic stuff. One day, when he was in 3rd grade, he came really upset from school and... and straight away asked for an iPad."
Mr. Park said and Mrs. Park nodded, thinking about that day.

"One day, when he was 9 years old, he scolded and screamed at a maid, for breaking his phone screen by mistake." Mrs. Park said.

"Yeah.. I still remember how that poor maid cried that day, she couldn't control her tears at all." Mr. Park said, and shook his head, ashamed at his son's behavior.

This made Yoongi look at him with narrowed eyes, staring at Mr. Park, who was still looking at his lap, remembering that day. Mrs. Park had the same sad expressions like her husband, and they both didn't notice the look Yoongi was giving the man.

Yoongi finally looked down at his notepad and wrote everything down.

"Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Park. That's all for today. When I need you some other time, I would be glad if you two would cooperate." Yoongi said, still in deep thoughts, though gave the couple a sympathatic smile, before they finally left his office.

Once alone, Yoongi rubbed his forehead, sighing, tiredly, "God this is bad..."


"Hyung..." Jimin whispered, still looking at the beautiful moon, snuggling even closer to his husband.

Jungkook just hummed, himself enjoying their full moon night date on their terrace.

★The Spoiled Beauty★ (JIKOOK) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now