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an offer


The cold air bit into her cheeks as she rode atop the strong stallion tasked with getting her and the wolfman to their destination.

Eventually, the large fence gate came into view. Y/N quickly jumped off the horse and started making her way to the factory.

The gates opened up for her and the sound of Heisenberg's voice filled her ears. 

"Y/N, what a lovely surprise," she could hear the smile in his voice, "I'm assuming you want to talk about the gentlemen that escorted you here. I hope they were on their best behavior."

Y/N looked back at the wolfmen that were on the other side of the gates, "Just lovely."

With a few more words exchanged between the two Y/N went into the factory.

She hardly visited the factory. Her mother forbade it, saying a 'dingy factory' served 'no purpose' to her. 

Her eyes widened when she stepped into the chaotic place, scrap and robot parts laid strewn about. Not to mention the size of the factory, she felt as though she was going in circles. It didn't seem this large from the outside. 

The young woman looked around in shock and disgust as she walked down a corridor with bodies lining the walls. Metal prosthetics replaced their previous limbs and their eyes laid open and glassy. 

They looked like grotesque cyborgs. 

She continued to search for Heisenberg and she eventually stumbled upon a room. Knobs and switches filled up the walls. A desk with metal scraps and a microphone laid in the corner of the room. The most alarming thing was the large white sheet covering part of the room. 

What could be so important that it needed to be hidden? 

Her curiosity beckoned her closer and encouraged her to touch it. 

She slowly reached over to reveal what was hidden. 



He watched as she turned around with her hand over her heart and surprise in her eyes, "I was looking for you."

"Well, you found me," Heisenberg walked past her and stood in between her and the white sheet. He didn't want her to find out what he had been working on, "What can I help you with?" 

"I need to know about Ethan Winters and the chaos that is reigning in the village," she frowned and her eyes became distant, "No one will talk to me and mother calls me delusional." 

His fist clenched at the mention of Miranda. The woman was insane. She was acting as if everyone were her dolls, even her daughter.  

Y/N looked at him with determination burning bright in her E/C eyes, "I need you to tell me everything you know about, Ethan Winters." 

He spared her a small smile, her resolution was one of the many qualities he loved about her. He took off his glasses, "Let's talk..."


The young woman stared at him silently as the information was absorbed in her mind. Her mother had indeed kidnapped an innocent child and hoped to perform a ceremony. 

Heisenberg told her he didn't know what the ceremony was for but Y/N could connect the dots, her mother planned on getting her Eva back. 

It couldn't possibly be any other reason. 

He also explained that her mother had split the poor baby into parts and divided them up amongst the lords. She couldn't believe her ears, what had happened to her mother? 

When had her mind become so twisted and dark? 

"We must stop her," she began, "I can't allow her to take the life of a child." 

She grabbed his hands, "I need your help, we can talk some sense into her and save Rose." 

He grinned, "I'll do you one better, we'll use the kid to stop Miranda, to put an end to this madness once and for all." 

 She coughed and her eyes widened, "What?" 

"The kid is powerful, so powerful that she couldn't be contained which is why Miranda put her into pieces," his grin widened, "We could be free." 

Y/N frowned at him, "I am not killing my mother, Karl," she let go of his hands, "and you are not going to use that poor baby like a weapon."

His brows furrowed, "If staying alive is what you're worried about then I can help you," he walked over to his desk and threw pieces of scrap to the ground. He smiled when he picked up a paper, he turned around and gave it to her.  

"Karl..." she didn't know how to feel or what to say. 

A picture of a mechanical heart was on the page along with a list of test subjects. 

"You don't need Miranda. I can make you a new heart," he grabbed her shoulders and gave her a broad grin, "a new body even." 

She could see excitement mixed in with a tinge of insanity in his eyes. 

Y/N gave him a nervous smile before slowly moving away. She handed him back his paper, "I appreciate your efforts but, no thank you." 

He smirked, "Not even if I say pretty please?"

She chuckled and shook her head, "Not even if you say pretty please with a cherry on top," her smile faded and she sighed, "I need to get going." 

She pressed a quick kiss on his cheek before leaving his factory.


The man watched with a smile as the young woman left. He knew that she wouldn't go through with his plan, she was too kind. 

Heisenberg picked up a cigar and lit it, he took a big drag and tugged off the white curtain. 

A man laid flat on a surgical table, a numbing chemical running through his veins and keeping him still.

Heisenberg blew smoke into his face, "She's wonderful," he said with a soft smile, "Such a shame you were too stupid to see it."

Luca silently stared at the man with terror in his eyes. He had been attacked by the Lycans and expected a grotesque yet swift death. 

Imagine his surprise when they dragged him to the factory. 

Heisenberg picked up a sharpie and started drawing dotted lines over the man's upper arm. 

Luca whimpered at the sight. 

"Quit your whining!" Heisenberg growled as he tapped his cigar on a nearby ashy tray, "You weren't doing much with them anyway." 

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