06 - Busy

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The next two days was filled with nothing but practice: hours and hours of practice. If it wasn't for the scientific evidence that proved that there is only 24 hours in a day, I would've said that the members of 127 have completely 10,000 hours of training and prepping within the span of forty-eight hours.

Waking up as early as 7am, heading over to the company no later than 9am and returning back home the very next day at 12am, only for the day to repeat again.

And to the rescue came my Red Velvet members who arrived last night after wrapping up of the first leg of the tour. As a result of this, I only spent half of the time in the studio yesterday, giving me the opportunity to have a few hours break before catching up with RV on our traditional get-together.

Hence why today I slept until 8am and leisurely spent not one but TWO hours reading without any disruptions. However, despite being given a couple of hours off, that didn't stop me from prepping up too late, causing me to scurrying around as I grab my last-minute essentials.

"Tamia...." I called out when I heard the door bell ring. "Who's at the door?"

It couldn't have been Ha-Joon since he's already at the company. But it was easy to narrow it down since only a few have access to the apartment.

I ran down the stairs when an answer from So-Hyun wasn't heard. Stopping at the bottom step, I wasn't surprised by the suffocating silence that filled the room. In the corner of my eyes, I saw So-Hyun holding her coffee-cup, almost as if she was controlling her urges not to throw it across the room, to exactly where Remi was seated.

Sigh....This again.

Despite it being years after their breakup, the pair still fails to acknowledge each other's presence. Leaving a large distance between them, the pair is slowly getting accustomed to being in the same space. However, there will be times when they go off at each other's throats.


So-Hyun sheeply laughs as she placed her mug down, knowing very well that she's been caught yet again. Remi on the other hand was occupied on his phone, typing away with his usual indifferent expression. Off the bat of my head, I guessed who he must be texting: Mia, his girlfriend of two months.

I've been pestering him to warm up to her and couldn't be more happier that that's exactly what he was doing.

"I'm going back to sleep" So-Hyun yawned as she took a sip of her freshly brewed coffee. Recently, college-life has been taking a toll on her, especially since the semester just began. "Good night".

Waving off, she went into her room, closing the door behind her.

"Prête à partir?"

"Non" I replied, searching the lounging area for my missing item. "J'ai perdu mon portable."

I had my phone in hand two minutes ago but in that short time, I've already misplaced it.

Remi grabbed my right hand, placed a familiar rectangular shape object onto my hand and I mentally face-palmed.

"You had it?"

"It was on the couch"

What in the world? I last used my mobile phone in my bedroom....upstairs.

Kim Alice // RV.6 & NCT.22Where stories live. Discover now