10 - Long Night

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Jaehyun protests "I'm not going"

"I swear if you're not at the door by the time I get there, I'm locking you out" They've been going at each other's throat for the last fifteen minutes, I could've reached home by now if it wasn't for all of their bickering.

"Go ahead, I have my keys"

"I'll switch out the locks too"

"I wish you would"

"Try me, I dare you"

Ok, this isn't going anywhere. "As I said before, I'll be fine on my own"

"No way" Jaehyun exclaimed in which Johnny agrees to. "It's late. Too late for you to be out on your own" In that moment, I wanted to run away as fast as I could but the only reason why I'm not doing it is because of my muscle-aches. "If Johnny got his head out of his butt and see that he's not the boss of me, we all could've been home by now"

"YAH!" Johnny scoffed annoyed, chewing the inside of his cheeks to calm his nerves. "Please I beg yo- I'm begging you to just shut your traps and get in the car"

"잔소리 하지마 (jansoli hajima)"

"Nagging? Me?" Johnny stared in disbelief. Lately he has been acting differently towards the members, as if he was trying his best to hide something or it may just be because having spent over a decade in SME already, he's becoming more and more of a parent figure for the adolescents. But I would argue it's the former rather than the latter. "What kind of nonsense is that?"

Their breathing hitched, glaring daggers into each other's head. Tension continued to rise between the pair while I watched it all unfold from the sidelines while chugging down the last bits of the sofa cans. It's normal for any group of friends to argue every once and a while, especially if both had too much too drink but my gut was urging me to step in before a fight actually broke loose.

"That's enough" I cut in, tossing the cans in the trash before making my way over. I'm not going to sit back and watch a ridiculous quarrel spin out of control. "I'm not the one who needs to be taken care of right now. Your members are about to be kicked out of the car"

On cue the cab-driver slammed his door closed, stomping his way over as cuss words flew out his mouth. "Get them out of my car. NOW!"

"Wait wait wait. Ahjussi, what's- what's the problem?"

"The are emptying out their guts onto my seats" driver grumbled. He was a male in his mid-50s, ash-Grey hair with heavy eye-bags. "If you don't get them out, I'll toss them to the curve"

"That's not legal" Jaehyun and I mumbled, bursting out laught after realizing our synchronized reply. With a quick scrawl from Johnny, we managed to muffle out our laughter instead.

"Please Ahjussi, just drop us off at the location and we'll be out of your hair" With his eyes budged-out, he knew he effed up. Simultaneously our eyes flickered from the driver's scowl to his bald-head and back to his grim grimace expression. "....W-We'll double the p-price"

The elder perked up at the price change. "! (KOL!)" Not wanting to lose out on the deal, he scurried back to his car and honked, waiting for the rest of us to get in. "There's two seat left"

Kim Alice // RV.6 & NCT.22Where stories live. Discover now