15 - Behind The Scenes

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It only takes a second to save someone's life.

And tonight was the perfect example of that.

Within the pitch black fancams that already began spreading online like wildfire, the number one thing that caught people's attention was a sonic-like Québécois gentleman running full speed towards the stage.

Hopping over the barricade and extending out his hands a second before the Parisian's head hit the ground, Alice would have had a major blow in the most complex human organ: her brain.

But thankfully that wasn't the case.

And Remi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief once Alice safely landed in his palm. However, it wasn't long before his relief quickly turned into anxiety once he realize that he was doing the very thing he wanted to avoid: wasting time. "Shit"

Running backstage, the young lad couldn't help but be thank god that that girl's assigned dressing room was the one closest to stage.

Kicking the door open with force, Remi dashed over to the couch and placed the girl down on the soft fabrics. His heart beating every step of the way, almost if it would've popped out right this instant.

"What's wro-" Ha-Joon dropped the object he held in his hand onto the floor and ran over. "Wh-"

It didn't take long before silence consumed the room.

They were all too stunned to say anything so instead, they stared. Stared at how pale-like Alice was. At how redden her nose and cheeks became. At how drenched her forehead was and how soaked her blouse became from the patches of blood on them.

She looked dead.
It was the most excruciating sight.

"Alice?" The manager desperately shook her shoulders, hoping that she'll wake and say that it was all a joke. But he knew Alice wouldn't go as far as this for a simple joke. "A-Alice?" He swallowed back the lump that formed in the back of his throat and called out once more.

But yet again there was no respond.

Blocking out the crowd's cry, Ha-Joon placed his index and middle finger in the idol's waist to feel for a pulse. His breath hitched when he didn't feel anything. He moved his fingers over to her neck and exhaled out a sigh of breath. Thankfully there was a pulse. Faint but still audible.

Soon after he placed his left palm on her forehead while his right fingers resigned underneath her chin as he raised it to listen in for breathing. He placed his ear next to her mouth and made sure he counted the repetition for at least ten before proceeding on to the next step.

"Oppa?" A voice called out among the crowd that formed by the door. "I can't find Alice. And I'm really worried because she didn't look too well when she went on stage" Hana shimmed her way through the crowd unaware of what she was about to face. "What the heck? Why is the door locked? Ha-Joon? Remi? Yeon-?"

It wasn't long before the door swung open and someone pulled her in before shutting it back once again. The swift action took the PA off-guard but upon entering, the dreary silence was what worried her the most. "Unnie?" Seeing one of her co-workers frozen-like posture, Hana couldn't help but become fret."Why is everyone standing just standing there? Wha....What's goin-"

Kim Alice // RV.6 & NCT.22Where stories live. Discover now