Chapter 10

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Dev's POV: it's been a week since anna blew up on us. she hasn't left her room and i'm really worried about her health. me and the girls tried checking up on her, tried giving her food. she won't accept anything or won't talk to us. i'm scared for my life. it's 1:25pm right now and i decided to go check on anna again. i went to stand outside her door and knocked

me: anna.. i'm ordering Cane's, you want anything?

she didn't respond

me: okay anna. enough is enough, please come out and talk to me. you'll feel better letting it out. please anna i'm here for you

still no response. i went downstairs and found the girls sitting at the island

emma: no response?

i nodded my head no

sab: we need to break down that door. who knows what's she's doing
me: i just want her to talk to us. i hate seeing her like this
emma: we should get her some stuff, her favorite things and hopefully it'll get her out that room
me: yes that's perfect
sab: alright let's go

we went out to the car and drove to some of anna's favorite stores. this might not work but it's worth a shot

Anna's POV: i started opening my eyes. i looked around and i was on the floor. i don't even know how i ended here. i saw a bottle of vodka in my hand and there was still some left. i drank it and set it down. i got up slowly and out of nowhere a headache and stomachache hit me

me: (groans and whispers) ow fuck

everything started spinning which made me feel sick. i tried getting up to go puke but i couldn't so i crawled little by little until i got to the bathroom. i puked in the toilet while still on the floor. it went on for a few more minutes then i felt a little better. i flushed it and tried my best to get up. little by little i could finally stand. i went out and grabbed the malibu, opened it and took a sip. i closed it up after a feed more gulps. i let myself fall into my bed and tried resting. once again when i closed my eyes all my mind went to was eva.


why the hell is she still on my mind. it pisses me off when i think of her. why can't she just fucking get out of my head. i grabbed an empty beer bottle from my bedside table and threw it across the room. it hit the wall and shattered. damn it. i got out of my bed and went to go pick up the mess. i bent over and held a piece. next thing i know, i got up and punched the wall causing a hole.

me: shit

TW: Suicidal Thoughts⚠️
i broke down. i'm not letting this shit fucking happen again. i grabbed another bottle of vodka, sat on the floor against my bed and drank it. this is my life now. i'm a fuck up. can't change that. why am i even here? i have nothing to lose anymore. i don't have anything so what the fuck. everyone probably hates me now. my friends haven't even checked up on me since- well shit i don't even think they've checked on me. i deserve it i guess. i went pretty harsh on them. they deserve better than me. i don't deserve any goods. i don't even deserve to be here. whatever.

i drank and drank until it was empty. i went to check the mini fridge for more alcohol and saw only 2 beers left. fuck. i grabbed them both and drank one. as i was drinking it i was putting on my shoes and grabbed my keys. i grabbed the other bottle and took it with me. i went out to my car not caring if the girls were here or not. i got in and opened the other bottle. i drove to "Total Wine & More" to grab more alcohol. as i was finding a parking spot, a store across the street caught my attention. i drank the rest of the beer while staring at the store. i finished my bottle and snapped out of looking at the store. i went in to Total Wine & More and directly went to the liquor isle. i grabbed 2 bottles of vodka. then i went to grab another case of an 8 pack beer. i went to check out, paid, and went back to my car. i looked back at the store across the street. i checked my phone for the time (3:50pm). i'd thought i'd check it out later. the thoughts i got about the store scared me a little. but whatever i drove around the city for a little bit while drinking beer.

Eva's POV: i had just came back to my apartment from picking up food. it was just a salad. but it's good asf. i turned on some anime, laid on my bed, and finished my salad as i watched. i watched for about an hour and then decided to take a nap.

Anna's POV: after finishing 4 beers, i decided to drive back to the store i saw earlier. i went in and went up to the worker


w: hello ma'am what could i help you with?
me: what's the price on these (points)
w: that one is.. $415, but wait do you have a parent with you? or how old are you?
me: no sir just me, i'm 18
w: i'm sorry, you have to be 21 and older to purchase anything in the store, what purposes bring you here anyway?
me: oh you know, just wanted to check it out. sorry for wasting your time
w: sorry i couldn't help you

i left the store and went back to my car. shit.

(sorry for the cliffhanger😶 y'all got any thoughts on what you think is going to happen? hope y'all have an amazing day❤️)

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