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"Alright I suggest you to sit down cause we have some serious issues to discuss"

"Go on we don't have all day you know we have important matters to take care of"

"Draken, I would prefer to not be interrupted, this is not a joke"


It took me a while to explain everything that happened a few hours ago and now they are super quiet looking me dead in the eyes

"Is that all?"
Draken spoke again

Should I tell them? Fuck it they will find out eventually might as well end it now...

"Actually no there is one last thing..."

"Come on what else did you do, share it with us we are already in dip shit might as well start swimming around it"

God he is fucking annoying I want to punch him in the face.. You know what I am not fucking telling them shit

"You know what forget it it's nothing important and you know what else I should have never relayed on you I should have just said yes to his offer--

Suddenly Draken came up to me and put his hand on my neck pulling me right in front of his face, our noses almost touching while the other was holding my waist tightly

"I suggest you to keep your mouth shout, sit your ass down and let us solve this in our own way and never again mention of joining his gang or any other gang, do I make myself clear?"

Fuck that was kinda hot but I need to pull myself together

"Let go of me you bipolar lizart!"

"Say that again you little--"

"Ken-chin enough let go of her and Aiko don't ever say that again"

Mikey said with a terrifying smile

"Now tell us the other thing you were talking about I want to know"

"No I--"

"He wasn't asking woman, speak"

Soulmates(MikeyxOcxDraken)Where stories live. Discover now