🐾Origins of the Heiress & Lil' De Vil🐾

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The scene opens on the skyline of a neighborhood in London and pans down to focus on Pongo, and his human pet, Roger Radcliffe, living inside their flat.

Pongo: "My story begins in London, not so very long ago, and yet so much has happened since then, that it seems like an eternity. At that time, I lived with my pet in a bachelor flat just off of Regents Park. It was a beautiful spring day, a tedious time of the year for bachelors." Roger is seen playing the piano and writing some notes on the sheet. "Oh, that’s my pet, Roger Radcliffe, a musician of sorts. I’m the one with the spots." Pongo is then shown resting on a couch by the window. "My name’s Pongo. As far as I could see, the old notion that a bachelor’s life was so glamorous and carefree was all nonsense. It was downright dull." Pongo leans up on all fours and stretches while yawning. He watches Roger smoke his pipe and continue practicing, as we then see Roger's living room with discarded music notes across the chair and floor and a cello in one of the seats. "It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone. But if it were left up to Roger, we’d be bachelors forever. He was married to his work, writing songs. Songs about romance of all things, something he knew absolutely nothing about. Oh, he’s intelligent enough, as humans go. And I think you could say, Roger is a rather handsome animal in his way. I could see no reason why my pet didn’t deserve an attractive mate. At least I was determined to do my best." Pongo stares at a cover of one of Roger's pin-up magazines and pushes it aside with his nose. "Of course, dogs are a pretty poor judge of human beauty." Pongo then looks at the cover of Roger's Lilliput magazine issue depicting a sexy blonde in a green and pink swimsuit against a blue background. "But I had a rough idea of what to look for." Pongo sees a shaggy saluki and her beatnik human pet walk to the park. "Hmm! Unusual breed. Very unusual. Hmm! Oh, surely not." (He then sees a small, stout pug and her similarly dignified human pet walk the opposite direction. "Well now, what have we here? Hmm. Well, a little too short coupled. Nope!" A purple-colored poodle with black-haired bangs and her sophisticated owner pass by. "I say! Well, I do say! Now there’s a fancy breed. Hmm. Perhaps a little too fancy. Yes, much too fancy." A cocker spaniel and her elderly owner ride along on their bicycle. "Too old." A little girl in yellow and her yellow labrador puppy walk down the street. "Too young. It was a problem, a real problem. Well, now that’s a bit more like it!" Pongo sees their ideal wives: An identical Dalmatian with a blue collar named Perdita and her human owner, Anita. "The most beautiful creature on four legs! Now, if only the girl-Well! She’s very lovely too. It was almost too good to be true." Anita and Perdita walk to Regent's Park. "I’d never find another pair like that, not if I looked for 100 years. Ah, they’re heading for the park. A perfect meeting place if I can only arrange it. Uh-oh, but Roger never stopped work ‘til after 5:00. That would be too late." Pongo said as he sets the clock hands five minutes after 5:00 with his nose, rushes to Roger's study, and prances and barks at Roger to get his attention.

Roger: "After 5:00 already? Fancy that." He puts on his trench coat and trilby hat. "All right, Pongo. All right, boy." He said as soon as Roger puts the leash on Pongo, he takes off, heaving Roger through the front door. The scene slides away to see them traveling quickly through Regent's Park. "Pongo, boy, take it easy! What’s all the hurry? Pongo, boy, slow down."
Pongo looks around the area and sees the pug from recently barking at a few pigeons to chase them away. The, the two bachelors. cross a bridge past the saluki and her master painting this scene of the park. Pongo the continues on.

Pongo: (narrating) "I was afraid we’d missed them. Perhaps they passed on by the park. Then, suddenly… I spotted them." As told, Pongo sees Anita reading a book on a park bench with Perdita sitting next to her. "It was a perfect situation if I planned it right. I couldn’t depend on Roger. I knew what he’d do. He’d settle on the grass, puff his pipe and that would be it." Roger sits on a bank of the Thames River to look at the scenery with Pongo sitting next to him. "No, it was all up to me. Well. At first I had no particular plan, just anything to attract attention. You know, stir things up a bit." Pongo goes ahead and grabs Roger's hat.

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