🐾Puppies, Fighting and Taken🐾

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A few weeks later in October, a thunderstorm has appeared over the neighborhood in London. Rain pours down, lightning bolts flash, and thunder roars.

Pongo: (narrating) "Poor Perdita. Of course, she had no choice. The puppies arrived right on schedule one wild and stormy night in October." He said as Roger and Pongo sit in the kitchen, waiting for any word about the puppies' birth, as the clock is ticking on the wall nearby. Roger puffs nervously on his pipe, while Pongo waits for the door to open, which it does when Nanny comes in. Pongo is looking forward to the latest update, but he frowns when he sees Nanny come and collect a cloth, and she then leaves to go back to check on Perdita, closing the door behind her. Pongo turns to Roger, still puffing nervously on his pipe, and licks his hand.

Roger: (yelping) "Ohh!" He flips his pipe in mid-air and catches it. "Steady, boy." He pats Pongo's head.

After a minute or two of waiting, Nanny bursts in, scaring them both as Pongo leaps into Roger's arms.

Nanny: (excitedly) "The puppies are here! Oh… the puppies are here!"

Roger: "How many?"

Nanny: "Eight."

Roger: "Eight? By George, Pongo! Eight puppies."

Nanny: "10."

Anita: (offscreen) "11."

Roger: "11? 11 puppies, Pongo."

Nanny: "Wait a minute now, wait a minute… 13! No, no, no. 14. Ohh… 15! 15?" She said as Pongo's eyes widen in a hypnotic trance and his lips bloom into a smile. "And the mother’s doing fine, love. You ducky thing, you."

Roger: (excitedly) "15 puppies? Why, Pongo, that’s marvelous! It’s fabulous! Why, you old rascal!"

Nanny returns with a grim expression on her face as she holds one of the puppies being stillborn in a blanket.

Nanny: (mournfully) "14. Just 14. We lost one." She gives the stillborn puppy to Roger, as Pongo looks on with grief. Roger massages his hand on the puppy. (gravely) "Oh, poor little thing.

Roger: (gravely) "Oh, Pongo, boy. It’s just one of those things. And yet…" He said as he continues massaging it. "And yet, I wonder." Slowly but surely, the puppy regains consciousness as it whimpers, fascinating Pongo for the better. A miracle has been made by Roger! "Look, Pongo. Anita! Nanny. Fifteen! We still have 15!"

Anita: (blessed) Oh, Roger, he’s all right! Thank heavens!"

Roger: "See? He’s just as good as new."

Anita: "Can you imagine, Roger? 15 puppies!"

A lightning bolt strikes, scaring Pongo, Roger, Anita, Nanny, and the puppy, and also allowing Cruella to drop in, unexpectedly!

Cruella de Vil: "15! 15 puppies! How marvelous. How marvellous, how perfectly… ugh!" She looks at the white dalmatian puppy with repulsion. "The devil take it. They’re mongrels; no spots! No spots at all! What a horrid, little white rat!

Nanny: (indignant) "They’re not mongrels! They’ll get their spots! Just wait and see!"

Anita: (assuringly) "That’s right, Cruella. They’ll have their spots in a few weeks."

Cruella de Vil: (uncaringly) "Oh, well, in that case I’ll take them all. The whole litter. Just name your price, dear."

Anita: "I’m afraid we can’t give them up. Poor Perdita and Y/n, they’d be heartbroken."

Cruella de Vil: "Anita, don’t be ridiculous. You can’t afford to keep them. You can scarcely feed yourselves."

Anita: "I’m sure we’ll get along."

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