Tom Riddle

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Title: The Last Great American Dynasty

Pairing: Tom Riddle x reader

Summary: Tom married you - a woman from a wealthy pureblood family - on his rise to power. Your appetite for destruction perfectly complimented his own.

Word Count: 1.1k

The clinking of champagne flutes echoed throughout the hall that held an opulent crystal chandelier from the baroque ceiling which was encrusted with gold trimmings. Low voices were heard through the room with light chatter buzzing in your ears. Men and women both dressed in dark colors with the women having their hair elegantly swept back and the men with men's shoes so polished they would be able to glance at their reflections if they so desired. With one glance around the room, anyone could observe that every single person here knew that they were here because they were worthy of the host's invite. There wasn't a single person here who thought they were any less than their blood status demanded they be. Perhaps it was because of this that everyone in the room rather looked like they belonged there with an overall sense of superiority. This superiority was seen through with slick smiles and a certain gleam in every person in the room's eyes. There was a calculation in the eyes of them some could say and they would be correct. Everyone here was here for a reason that was just as sinister as their smiles alluded to and dark as the expensive clothes they wore.

You suppose that if someone were to look into this room they would quiver in fear at the faces they would see. This was ideal, you thought. After all, this was exactly what you wanted. Your ultimate desire was not your own but inspired by the very person this party was in favor of. Tall, dark, and exceptionally handsome, Tom Riddle was intrinsically yours. You shared his ultimate desire and found a sense of solace being on his arms. It was as you stood by his side with your arms interlocked and holding a glass of champagne that you felt the most powerful you had ever been.

You stood in the center of the room with Tom by your side. Your friends - you could call them - stood across from you in conversation. Abraxas Malfoy was, as Tom had described, a desperate fool, but even you couldn't fail to remark on his success as a tool in Tom's clutches. "Dare I say well done, Abraxas," You drawled looking at the man across from you with an expression of disinterest. Swirling the champagne in your crystal flute, you took a small sip as you swallowed the dry alcohol all the while staring down the man in mention - not wanting him to be comfortable in your presence for even a moment. "The Minister didn't suspect a thing, did he?" You raised your eyebrows.

Abraxas nearly looked proud for a moment before you turned your head in Tom's direction smugly smirking up at him. "Quite foolhardy the Minister is, isn't he, Tom?" You asked with raised eyebrows.

He shared your twisted smirk as he glanced down at you, the enjoyment of your government's obliviousness to his plans dancing in both your eyes. "Just our luck, darling." He said lowly. "Dumbledore appears to be another ordeal, however." He added bitterly.

The mention of your former professor a scowl spread across your lips at once. Albus Dumbledore was everything in your mind was detestable about a Gryffindor. Self-righteous, short-tempered, and far too brave for their good, Gryffindors lacked the natural grace your traditionally Slytherin family inherited for generations. People like Dumbledore preached the good and bad, but you knew there was no such thing. You knew well that there were people who were merely too weak to take the power they could have if they so wished. They were too scared of the power they could have, which was why people like you and Tom were few and far in between. How cowardly, Gryffindors were, you thought. Terrified of the very thought they could reach power so fearsome no one would dare cross them if they only had enough of that Gryffindor nerve to take it. Gryffindors were weak, you knew. If they weren't weak they would be here with Tom, but instead, they bought an old fool like Dumbledore's idiocy hook line and sinker. The thought of Dumbledore brought anger boiling in your veins. Ever since your days at school, you were never keen on your DADA professor. You had never been one to waste time pretending certain people weren't beneath you and your presence seemed to irk your professor. Like Tom, you were cold and unapproachable in nature yet had the ability to fool professors left and right when you desired. Perhaps it was for this reason Dumbledore never trusted either of you.

Tom had always been cold and never trusted anyone since your days at Hogwarts in the Slytherin house. It was true to say he was cold as ice and just as cruel but that could have been what you had liked about him in the first place when you were in Hogwarts. You had seen him from your very first year and over the years the lust for power was never something you had missed. You saw him completely and while other girls - more feeble and pathetic girls - would have run off at the mention of his goals - surely to the insufferably nosy DADA Professor - you didn't recoil in the slightest. It was in that moment that Tom knew he could make an ally out of you in his quest for power - more power than a wizard like Dumbledore could ever hope to achieve. It was only later on that he had found something more in you - something that surely wasn't love, but close enough for the both of you. Enough to be content on destroying Albus Dumbledore's half-witted faith in the belief of virtue.

"Don't worry Tom." You smiled as a wicked look was painting across your features. You drew your pointer finger across his jawline as it unclenched at your contact. Slowly you lightly cupped his chin in your hand, feeling as though you held the most powerful man's entire being in between your fingers. "We'll take everything Albus Dumbledore holds dear in this world and destroy it with our fingertips as he watches." Your ungodly smile grew little by little as the same glint of depravity shone in his eyes.

Looking into his eyes, you awaited the day you could watch Dumbledore's world fall apart at Tom's hands. You swore in that instant you would cherish watching everything your self-righteous professor loved most being destroyed.

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