James Potter

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Title: Sunshine

Pairing: James Potter x reader

Summary: James can't get enough of you but the Marauders can only take so much of his over the top affection for his girlfriend.

Word Count: 1.8k

The Marauders had a problem.

James was an affectionate guy. They knew this. He had always been openly affectionate towards his friends. He never had a problem showing and saying how he felt. This was just a part of who he was. They saw it through his longtime fancying over one Y/N L/N. The amount of times Remus found himself not being able to study in the Common Room during the evening and having to instead deal with listening to James go on and on about how beautiful Y/N was and how smart she was and how– Well, you get the picture.

Sirius thought that James would grow out of his crush on Y/N, but if anything it only intensified over the years. The older they got, they more James fancied you. Thankfully for their sake, you shared James feelings and agreed to go on a date with him to Hogsmeade in their sixth year. One date turned into another and another. Soon you and James were officially dating.

Remus, Sirius and Peter were happy for James, really. The girl he had been smitten with since he first laid his eyes on was finally his girlfriend. However, that didn't mean they enjoyed seeing you two together. Or rather, how James acted around you.

Don't get them wrong, they liked you. In fact, they couldn't imagine anyone else they would rather be dating their best friend. You were all around a lovely person. Not to mention you without a doubt brought out a better side to James. Remus noticed how James wasn't tormenting Snape as much anymore. He didn't stop completely, of course, but he just didn't go out of his way to do it anymore. Sirius noticed how utterly happy you made his best friend. James had always been a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, but he was positive James hadn't been in a bad mood in the slightest since you agreed to go on your first date with him months ago. Peter noticed how you made James–what was, it?– less obnoxious? James was their best friend but no one could deny, not even his best friends, that he could be a bit much. By a bit much they mean that he more often than not had to be the complete center of attention. It was like you made James the best version of himself just by being with him. The Marauders all loved this and they loved that you were the one dating James.

But they had a problem. James, it seems, couldn't get enough of you. It is typical for someone to look forward to seeing the person they're dating. What wasn't typical was that how James acted around you. It was quite different than how a boyfriend usually acts around his girlfriend to say the least.

The only way they could describe how he acted around you was that as soon as James laid his eyes on you, he just went soft. Once you were there, James just turned into an adoring boyfriend completely enamored with his girlfriend. The problem wasn't that he was so very in love with you. No, the problem was that he acted just as he did when he was just fancying you.

They had all assumed that once James was dating you that he would stop talking about how wonderful and talented and beautiful you were to his friends. He didn't. How many times Sirius had to say something along the lines of 'Oi! James! Go to bed, you can tell Y/N how she rivals the beauty of Aphrodite herself tomorrow. But now some of us need our beauty sleep!'

They had also assumed that he wouldn't act like he did when you agreed to go out with him and his glee of seeing you would lessen. It didn't. James was excited for every date the two of you had like it was your first date. The excitement never faded. Peter had to listen to James go on and on about what you two were going to do and how he couldn't wait to see you. Well, you get the picture. Poor Peter listened to James far too long every time, too meek to tell him to shut it like Sirius probably would.

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