Draco Malfoy

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Title: Pick Up Lines

Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader

Summary: Draco and his girlfriend go on a midnight date to the astronomy tower. Fluff ensues and pick up lines are involved.

Word Count: 0.6k

Going on dates in Hogwarts was harder than you would think. Sure - dates at Hogesmeade on Saturdays at the Three Broomsticks or Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop - though you weren't snobbish enough to ever be caught there - were always enjoyable but besides Hogsmeade it was impossible to go anywhere else for a date.

Well, that was excluding the many places you could sneak off to in the castle. There wasn't anything wrong with a simple study date in the library or cuddling in the common room as you read but sometimes a little adventure is good for the soul and just what the healer ordered.

That being said, there was quite a few places you could go to that you really weren't supposed to and by that you meant it was against the school rules. Meaning, if caught you were bound to have detention. Rule breaking wasn't in your blood and while your boyfriend had no issue breaking the rules - or bending the rules as he was fond of saying - you sure did. This meant that generally going to the kitchens to get snacks was off limits and going out after curfew definitely was a no-go.

So how did you end up at the Astronomy Tower with your boyfriend gazing at the stars way after curfew? You knew exactly how - Draco was a sweet talker. Damn you and your thirst for a little bit of adventure. And damn him and his irresistible charm.

As you were laying down on a blanket besides him in the astronomy tower gazing at the stars as the crisp fall air kissed your cheeks, you suppose there was nothing that could be done. If you'd be caught up here, you'd simply be caught. You'd get detention and that would be that. You scoffed at the thought.

"What's wrong?" Draco whispered softly, turning to look at you intently.

"Nothing," you murmured meeting his gentle gaze. "I'm just thinking about how rebellious you've made me."

"Rebellious, you?" He grinned. "I'm not sure about that, darling. It took me nearly twenty minutes to convince you to come."

"Well I still came, didn't I? I'm risking detention on my spotless record for you, Draco Malfoy."

"That's true." He chuckled, looking at you fondly.

You weren't sure if it was the adrenaline of breaking the rules or just the effect being around Draco had on you, but you were struck with what you thought was a genius thought.

You laid your hand on Draco's chest. "Let's do pick up lines!" You said excitedly with a burst of energy.

"Let's do what?" He asked grinning. He had no clue what you were talking about.

"Pick up lines," you repeated. "One-line flirty comments to impress the person you fancy."

"Y/N," he was confused. "We're dating. You know I fancy you."

"Of course, I know that. It'd be fun though, don't you think?"

He nodded half-heartedly.

"I'll start, don't worry." You smiled. "Are you sure you're a seeker?"

"Of course, I know I'm the seeker!" He said offended.

You rolled your eyes. "Because you look like a keeper."

"I told you, I'm a seek- Oh, I see. Never mind, then."

You smiled fondly at him. "Alright, your turn."

He bit his lip, pondering what to say. He looked back up at the stars and turned back to you.

"How about- these stars are nothing compared to the ones I've seen in your eyes."

You couldn't prevent the laugh that tumbled out of your mouth. "That was so cheesy!"

"Hey!" He protested with an offended expression. "You weren't supposed to laugh!"

"Sorry," you said insincerely as you were still giggling.

He playfully rolled his eyes and crossed his arms behind his head. "Sure you are." He joked. "Doesn't matter if you don't like my pick up lines as long as you like me."

Despite the chill in the air, your cheeks heated up at his words. Who needed pick up lines when your boyfriend said simple things like that made your stomach do somersaults? You didn't, that's for sure.

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