Oliver Wood

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Title: Mad Woman

Pairing: Oliver Wood x Slytherin!reader

Summary: You had never gotten along with the Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, but at a match between Slytherin and Gryffindor brings your frustrations to a head.

Word Count: 2k

You had always loved Quidditch. From a young age, you enjoyed nothing more than being on a broomstick and feeling the wind in your hair. Years later you could still remember the excitement of getting your first real broomstick on Christmas morning. You had known right away that your father had wrapped it with the lack of precision that it would have had if your mother had wrapped it. That, and the large grin your father held on his face as your small hands carelessly tore the gift wrap away until a striking broom was presented to you. The smooth and shiny dark wood had made your small lips slowly part as your mouth fell into a dramatic 'o' shape. You remembered how your tiny fingers glided over the broomstick that you knew was your very own as your eyes glimmered with shock and excitement. When your head had whipped up to look at your father you saw the same childlike excitement as you held your very first broom.

It was a few years later when you saw your first Quidditch game that you knew that flying laps around the field outside your house wouldn't be enough to satisfy your love for flying. It was as the English Quidditch team came flying out that you with your hands gripping the railing in front of you with excitement, knew that you wanted to play Quidditch. Without playing a single Quidditch match in your life you knew that on the Quidditch Pitch was where you were meant to be. You swore to yourself that you would practice for how long it took for you to be good enough to be one of the Quidditch players.

And you had. Since your third year, you had earned a permanent position as a chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team. You fought neck in neck to earn this spot and worked twice as hard in any other house to make the team. It had never been easy being on a Quidditch team as the only girl with six boys who not only believed their blood status made them superior to anyone else, but they thought they were better than you based on something as idiotic as your gender. Luckily, you were that gifted at Quidditch that no matter how bad Marcus Flint wanted you off the team even in your last year he had no way to succeed in getting rid of you. Unluckily for you, you suffered from a quick temper and weren't known for holding back your opinions. In most cases, moral fiber like yours and the ability to always do the right thing would be applauded, but this didn't apply to your teammates. Salazar Slytherin knows it certainly didn't apply to your captain. If there was one thing to be known about the Slytherin Quidditch team there would be one thing that stuck out above all the others - Marcus Flint and Y/N Y/L/N couldn't stand one another.

You loathed his dirty tactics and his superiority complex. He loathed your inability to keep to your own business and stick to his plans to win the Quidditch Cup. You had never bothered looking past his dirty tactics that went from stealing the Gryffindor's practice time to knocking chasers off their brooms purposefully, but the stakes were higher this year. This year was your final year at Hogwarts and your final Quidditch season, which meant the professional Quidditch teams would be attending this match today. Bad luck appeared to be on your side with Flint's hyper aggression in the latest match between Gryffindor and Slytherin when there was numerous scouts for an array of Quidditch Teams at this match. It was your own fury that overtook your emotions when Flint was cheating more than he ever had before.

The match was intense - to say the least. Bludgers flew by you and you hurtled Quaffles through Gryffindors three hoops. The match went well as you had scored enough goals that the Quidditch Scouts would have to note your abilities at the least. You could nearly taste your one victory and imagine the envelope in the mail from a Quidditch team - Holywood Harpies if you were lucky enough. Looking back this could have been your only mistake - assumption - because just in that moment in the home stretch of this match Slytherin was behind as you often were in matches against Gryffindor. You didn't hold a grudge over the matches, especially when their seeker never failed to catch the golden snitch. You were the only one that wasn't fooled a few years back by your seeker - the latest broomstick didn't equivocate talent and Draco Malfoy was undoubtably lacking in that department. But when Flint saw that Harry Potter was inches away from the snitch he had no hesitation in signaling your beaters to send bludgers at one of the chasers - Angelina Johnson - even when she had no quaffle.

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