Remus Lupin

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Title: Fantasies

Pairing: Remus Lupin x Gryffindor!reader

Summary: While on his prefect rounds, Remus catches a student coming out of the kitchens past curfew who just happens to be the person he fancies.

Word Count: 0.9k

It had become a routine.

Every time Remus had his prefect rounds on a Thursday evenings, he would walk by the kitchens and get a delightful whiff of the smells of baking as he passed by. He had become used to these smells and always expected them as that part of his Prefect rounds that day of the week.

Throughout the year, he began to wonder who was baking this time of day. Who would be baking at nine at night? Initially, he didn't think much of it. After all, the house elves have to make everything which would certainly take a sufficient amount of time, so he assumed that they would have to go late into the evening. But eventually, he began to wonder if it wasn't the house elves, who could be in the kitchens baking during his prefect rounds?

In his fantasies, it'd be Y/N Y/L/N, a fellow Gryffindor. Y/N was the person who Remus had been fancying for quite a long time. The one good thing that came from James' fruitless pining over Lily was that Remus became acquainted with Y/N as Lily's closest friend. Remus, in short, thought she was brilliant. She was incredibly intelligent and was right behind Lily in their class. She had a kind and gentle spirit, which Remus had always admired. One of the things he knew very well that she had a love for baking. Because of this, Remus had always pondered if it was Y/N who was baking in the kitchens on Thursday nights.

But now it was just that– a fantasy. As Remus went through his prefect rounds on this Thursday night it didn't matter if it was Y/N who was baking in the kitchens. All that would happen tonight, as it did every Thursday night, would be Remus walking past the kitchens smelling someone baking but not seeing who was baking.

Remus wanted to let go of the fantasies he had about you. The one that involved him seeing you on his rounds on Thursday night leaving the kitchens. He knew that wouldn't happen, but he was just hopeful that something like that would happen that would let you see him alone. Maybe if you saw him alone without Sirius and James then you wouldn't see him just as James' friend. Maybe that would make you see him like he sees you. But that fantasy won't come true and Remus knew that. It's not like someone like you would like someone like him, especially if you knew what he was. No, he wouldn't ever see you coming out of the kitchens during his prefect rounds.

At least he thought.

Tonight's prefect round started as every other one did before, except that as he approached the kitchens something very different happened. You were there in a way he never expected but always hoped.

And there you were. Head ducking out of the portrait hole with your hair messily thrown back, you had some flour spread across the side of your forehead that went down your temple. You looked to the right as you left before stepping out of the portrait hole, missing that Remus was a few paces behind you.

Remus widened his eyes when he saw you even when you didn't notice another person's presence. Pulling his hand in a fist to his mouth, he cleared his throat alerting her of his presence.

Y/N's eyes widen in fear as she quickly spun around on her heel. As she saw Remus her the panic in her eyes subsided and a smile spread across her face. "Remus, hi."

A smile broke across Remus's face at the sight of your own. "Hey, Y/N. Late night baking?" He asked quirking an eyebrow up.

"What?" you asked quickly. "No, no. Why'd you say that?"

"It's just that," He started nodding his head towards your left side where a large wrapped package was tucked under your arm that smelt of apple and cinnamon. "Is a bit of a give away."

You looked down and blushed. "Oh, right. Are you going to report me, Lupin?" You asked as you smiled sheepishly.

"'Course not, love." He said smiling.

"Love?" you asked amused. "Do you call all the girls that now? You might be spending too much time with Sirius if you are starting to act like him?"

"No, only you." He said casually making you blush. "You have some flour there." He said gesturing to the flour on your forehead.

"I do?" You said as your cheeks reddened even more. You tried to get the flour off your forehead without success as you blushed. You weren't sure if your blush was increasing from embarrassment or Remus's watchful gaze.

Noticing your struggle, not matter how adorable he found it, Remus walked forward until he was right in front of you. "Here," he said softly. "Let me."

He gently wiped the flour off your forehead. You looked up at him focusing on your breathing as he was focused on getting the flour off your forehead. Nothing so simple had ever felt so intimate.

"There" he whispered looking down meeting your eyes. The proximity between you two was so close. He flickered his eyes down at your lips without thinking. Catching himself he looked back up but saw you staring at his lips just as he had done. You looked up and caught his eyes and no words were needed to express what you both wanted in that moment. Leaning in your lips met in a soft kiss. Despite the urge to pinch himself all Remus could think was that maybe some fantasies can come true.

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