Cedric Diggory

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Title: Memories of Yesterday

Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Slytherin!reader

Summary: Cedric lives!AU. The reader and Cedric were in a relationship but when Voldemort came back Y/N's family was forced to go into hiding and fake their own deaths without a word to anyone of their plans, including Y/N's boyfriend, Cedric Diggory.

Word Count: 2.2k

You had faint memories of what life was like before the war. Memories of what life was like when you were a carefree teenager who just wanted to worry about things teenagers should have to worry about. Getting good marks, spending time with your friends, worrying if that special someone likes you the way you like them. And there was a time that you were that carefree teenager but war changes that.

War. This war that tore you life apart and made your world turn upside down. This war that made your friends in your house turn their backs on you. 'Since when did your family become blood-traitors, Y/L/N?' someone you used to call a friend spat at you. This war that ruined friendships that otherwise could have lasted a lifetime.

This war that showed who people truly were underneath it all. Most of your fellow Slytherins ended up living up to the stereotype they've claimed as unfair for seven years. Many people showed their unwavering bravery. In this war, it was shown that Gryffindors really were brave and most Slytherins really did just look out for themselves. You ended up being the singular exception to your house. You were a pure-blood Slytherin who was equally proud of your heritage and firm in the belief that anyone has the right to earn magic if they have the abilities.

Your beliefs led you to friendships with the truest and most real people you've ever met. It led you to Cedric, the love of your life. The friendships you had with your friends in the other houses were so much more than your friendships with your fellow Slytherins. People like Malfoy saw you as an imposter. It didn't matter that your families were on the very same social standing. To people like him if you didn't think everyone else was beneath you, you weren't worthy of the Slytherin house. To the people you became friends with in the other houses, you weren't Y/N Y/L/N from the most prestigious and worthy house of Y/L/N. You were just Y/N. They all saw past your emerald robes and just saw you for who you were, Y/N. Hell, even the Weasleys liked and trusted you. 'The only snake worth a damn' is what Ron Weasley said at the first DA meeting when a nameless Ravenclaw question Potter's leadership if he allowed a Slytherin in. You belonged. It was risky, but since when was doing the right thing ever easy? You told yourself that at least you were doing something worthwhile.

So maybe your uncharacteristic pureblood beliefs led you to being a bit of an outcast in your house, but it also led to the people you care about the most and to being a part of something that mattered. All you choices and beliefs led you to everything you've ever known. It led you to Cedric. And what a pair the two of you were. A Slytherin and a Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff's Golden Boy and Slytherin's exception to the 'ruthless and soulless' Slytherin stereotype. How unlikely it was that you both ended up together and yet it happened so easily.

You and Cedric had been together since your 5th year. A year before the Triwizard Championship when Voldemort came back. Two years before the Ministry ignored Harry when he said you-know-who was back and that he saw him with his own eyes. Three years before the Death Eaters were attacking more people while you and Cedric were accepted in Auror training. Four years before your family was threatened with a death sentence. Four years before your family faked your own deaths and led everyone to believe your family died an accidental death.

Four years. If it weren't for war, four years would be the right timing for you and Cedric to be engaged. You never did talk about marriage, but the future. It was the two of you against the world. As long as you had each other nothing else mattered. But war came and death, came for your happiness and liberty.

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