Oliver Wood

2.5K 45 2

Title: Bloody Menaces

Pairing: Oliver Wood x Weasley!reader

Summary: Growing up with too many brothers can be bad enough. Having overprotective younger twin brothers is worse - especially when you fancy their Quidditch Captain.

Word Count: 4.4k

A/N: Set in PoA. Reader is a year below Oliver (a year above the twins and a year under Percy). The twins are overprotective of their older sister who fancies Wood who fancies her as well.

Being a Weasley meant that you were - as you had said many times cursed but reluctantly admitted to yourself, blessed, as well - to have far too many brothers to keep your sanity. Growing up in your small house with 6 brothers was no cake walk - the sea of testosterone was enough to make any girl go mad, it certainly had done that to your mother a few times. It was usually your younger twin brothers who made her screech with her hands on her hips as she pursed her lips angrily. It was needless to say your younger sister was a gift from Merlin himself.

The thing about having a surplus of brothers was that they had a tendency to be terribly protective. It'd be an easy mistake to make in thinking that only your older brothers - of which you had three - would be the ones who felt the need to protect you. Bill and Charlie had been long gone and Percy - well, Percy was Percy. Your studious older brother had always been one to mind his own business and keep to himself, with you at least that was. Percy never held back on account of your twin brothers, but you couldn't really blame him - the two of them were a magnet for trouble. He reprimanded the twins when they did anything against the rules, which was a daily occurrence, and they mocked him for his superiority complex - their words, not yours. Percy loathed their lack of respect for the rules and they loathed his love for the rules. In all honesty, you didn't care one way or the other when it came to Percy enjoying being Head Boy a little too much or Fred and George's talent for trouble as you fondly referred to it.

What you did care about was your twin brother's propensity to meddle in your business. It didn't matter that you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and that you were older than them, the pair of them had no sense of boundaries. You were stuck with a pair of overprotective younger twin brothers who never ceased to bother you on a daily basis. It didn't matter that you were older than them and at the age where it was normal for a girl to want to date a boy, in Fred and George's eyes no one would be good enough for Y/N Weasley. You wouldn't put it past them to scare off and prank any boy who dared to ask you out on a date. It was bad luck, really, on your part that the person you wanted to ask you out a date was their Quidditch Captain.

It wasn't like you had asked for this to happen, though, was it? You hadn't asked for Fred and George to make themselves your unwanted protectors and you certainly hadn't asked to fancy the most problematic choice. What should worry you is if Oliver did see you the way you saw him - but no, you had to worry about Fred and George and what hell they would rain over their Quidditch Captain if he even thought about asking you out. Who were you kidding? If he looked at you a little too long they would rain hell over him.

That's the very reason you sat in the Gryffindor Common Room blowing off steam after the Quidditch Match. Gryffindor had beat Slytherin - which could never not be a reason to celebrate - and you had made the decision to drown the frustrations of the week in firewhisky that you didn't even enjoy as you choked on it after every sip. It had been a long week, a disastrous week if you'd been honest, with all your advanced classes this year piling on top of you and prefect duties, your energy had all but worn you completely out by the end of the week. When today came you had thought that the week was over and you could relax - enjoying yourself at the Quidditch match supporting your brothers and Harry and perhaps look at a certain keeper without any consequences. In the end, a loud comment from a laughing Fred along the lines of "Oi Wood! I better not see you flirting with my sister!" while you were actually talking to Oliver without interruptions for once as you congratulated him on the win, was all it took for you to drown yourself in those frustration from this week. By drown, you clearly meant get absolutely knackered. It wasn't hard, you were a lightweight. Unfortunately for you though, you forgot that you were a bit of a talkative drunk and would tell anyone almost anything.

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