Breaking The Bloodline

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As the night rolls around, the gang packs weapons and more equipment for the night, though there was absolutely no training for this fight, it was still highly anticipated and overwhelming. Clementine and Coventry had just put on a simple top with jeans, Clem had thrown on her favorite denim jacket and Coventry had worn her favorite red leather jacket. They didn't really feel as though it was appropriate to dress up like this was some kind of special occasion. "Girls you ready?" Atticus says, reloading his stake pistol, as Clem and Cov make it down stairs. 

"Ready as i'll ever be" Coventry says, grabbing the torso of the jacket, "born ready" Clementine said. They head out to the woods, darkness clouding the sky, as stars were plastered all over, the moon, which illuminated with power. Paris had set up torches around the caskets of the dead witches, as they we're spread out and laid in a circle. The blood stone was propped on top of a brick podium, as Silitcia faced the entire ritual under the full moon. Atticus took of his shirt, showing off the spell to Paris and Silitcia, as Clem and Cov stood in the middle of the circle, waiting. Trees rustled nearby, as a frantic Renesmee, runs fearfully in the woods. 

Swatting trees, stumbling through bushes, and trampling through dirt, her breath being taken away, by the fear tying knots in her stomach, as her arm bled rapidly and uncontrollably, her blood dripping onto the ground, leading a trail for anyone to track behind her. Victoria sees this from afar, jumping down from a tree, and following after, unaware of the trap being put into play. Renesmee then makes a sharp turn, as she ends up in the circle of the ritual. But without the lighting of the torches, it was pitch dark, Victoria couldn't see a thing. 

"Where'd you go you abomination" Victoria says, looking around, trying as hard as she can to use her excellent sense of hearing. The torches then light, as Clem and Cov step out of the circle next to Paris, Atticus, Esme and Silitcia. The symbol under Victoria's feet glows, making Victoria alarmed. Renesmee has Paris heal her arm, as the wolves emerge from the darkness of the woods. "It's over Victoria, you lost" Clementine says, as Victoria hollers in anger, looking around the caskets surrounding her. As she tries to speed out of the circle, she gets hit by an invisible barrier. 

As a laugh escaped her mouth, she turns around, looking at Clementine dead in the eye. "Think i came alone? you underestimate me" she says, as Jace and his pack emerge from the shadows, snarling and growling. But Victoria notices them walk past her and join sides with Clem and Cov. Victoria eyes the pack furiously, before looking over at Jace and coming to a realization. "You imprinted on my daughter?!" she yells, stepping forward slightly, before remembering the barrier. Jace walks over to Coventry and Clem, standing beside them as he eyes Victoria. 

"You filthy muts" Victoria yells, banging on the barrier. Silitcia and Paris start the first spell, chanting words to a breaking bondage spell as the torches of fire become more inflamed. The casket doors open and Victoria's body gets flown up into the air, as she screams out in pain, several souls transcending out of her body and into the sky, fleeing to peace. Victoria then falls to the ground, weaker than she was before. "You're forgetting, i'm a witch too" Victoria says, breaking the barrier and speeding over to Silitcia as she takes a bite out of her neck. Victoria then tries to reach Renesmee, "NO!" Coventry says, running over to Victoria, but she slaps her across the face and pushes her with so much force into a tree nearby, knocking her out. 

Atticus proceeds to shoot at her with his cross bow, stakes flying at all different speeds in her direction, she ducks every single one, before catching another and tossing it to Nickel, Paris, and Atticus. They all get impaled by a wooden staken, in the torso, shoulder, and leg. "Stop!" Clementine says, Victoria hisses at her, before turning back over too Renesmee and trying to grab her. But Clementine speeds over in front of her, protecting her, "you'll have to go through me first" she yells, blocking Renesmee behind her, with her hands. 

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