Cause For Dilemma

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It was now the dawn of a new day, October 30th, the day of Clementine and Coventry's eighteen birthday. As the plane dropped the girls off near there home, Coventry drove her motorcycle back as Clementine rode on the backseat. The caskets were delivered to Silitcia, for safe keeping until the breaking of the curse. "It's been one hell of a night, hasn't it?" Coventry said, as they hopped off her bike, and took off there helmets. "Yeah, but it's not over yet" Clementine says, handing the helmet to Coventry, as she begins to walk off in to the house. "I have a confession to make" Coventry says, Clementine turns around to face her, noticing how her sister's eyes gave off a nervous aspect. "What is it?" Clem asks, as Coventry begins to fidget. 

"Just don't get mad, okay?" Coventry says, breaking eye contact with her. "Cov, what?!" Clem asks, losing patience. "It's just... all of this is happening so fast, i never even really got a chance to think about, what i would be losing in the process.." Coventry says, very slowly, as Clementine walks over to her stunned. "Since when do you, care about Victoria?" she asked, "No, no, it's not her i care about losing, it's me. This part of me, that even if i was cursed with it, i still see it as something else, a gift" Coventry says, Clementine turns around putting a hand on her forehead, feeling a headache coming on, due to the lack of flesh she hasn't been eating. 

"How in the world, do you feel as though killing innocent people, crushing bones and lusting upon human blood, is a gift?" Clementine asks, as her eyes find Coventry's again. "Those are the cons, the cons that i've learned to control and deal with-" Coventry starts, "So when i found you in the restroom throwing up at school, that was you knowing how control it? how to deal with it? Cov, you told me you we're struggling too? why are you saying all this now?" Clementine asked. "You're not listening, the pros are, i can protect myself, i can protect you easily, with my strength, my speed, and the compulsion. Clem, you have to admit there are benefits as well, when it comes to being what we are. When we become human again, we're gonna be fragile, an easy target, weak and even more fearful of life than we are now." Coventry said. 

"And to think that for a moment i thought you agreed with me, i thought you understood, i thought you we're on my side. But no, all you care about is yourself, and what you want. Anything, in my opinion, is better, than having to feed on the human flesh to live." Clementine says, as she disappears into the front door of the house. Slamming it harshly. Coventry sighs, closing her eyes and rubbing her face. "Hey bartender, you think i could get another round of shots and bottle of vodka!? CHOP CHOP!" Coventry says, sitting at a stool facing the counter of the nearest bar she could find, in order to drink her guilt and problems away. 

"I'm gonna need to see some ID" the bartender says, cleaning some of the shot glasses. Coventry drinks the last of her vodka, before setting the glass down with a thud, on the counter. "No you don't" Coventry says, as her eyes begin to glow red, making him fall under her compulsion. "Vodka and shots, coming right up" he says, walking away to prepare the drinks. "It's my eighteenth birthday, i'm celebrating, right before i fend for my life in a few hours." Coventry says to herself. As the bartender leaves the drinks in front of her on the counter, she slurps down the shots instantly, one by one. "Party of one?" a voice says, a dark haired, leather jacket and black jean man, sitting next to her at the bar. "It was, until you joined" Coventry says, looking over at the stranger next to her as her eyes tried to focus, despite all the alcohol she'd been drinking. 

"Damon Salvatore" she says, as a smile crosses her face. "You know my name?" he asked, as the bartender comes over to him. "I go to school with your daughter, Alexi" Coventry says, taking a sip of her glass of vodka. "Oh, that's cool. So what's a young girl like you doing in a bar this late?" Damon asked, receiving his bourbon from the bartender. "Ms. Coventry Touraline is at a crossroads" she says, referring to herself as a second person. "So i'm assuming you're Coventry?" Damon asked, sipping his drink. "You've assumed correctly" Coventry said, sipping her drink as well. "I'm probably the worst person to be getting advice from, but why are you at a crossroads?" he says, looking over at her. 

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