Ancestral Homecoming

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The Cullens left that night in a hurry, Coventry and Clementine were unsure as to why. As the confusion hungover into the next morning, Esme had woken up with a feeling of trepidation, the entire day. Clementine was always the first to get up in the morning and leave for school, she would try and wake Coventry up too, but she never budged. 

So eventually Clementine would give up and leave without her, despite the fact that Coventry hated taking a ride in Clementine's "lady bug". Clem was always thrilled to head to school on her own, so she could blast her music of guilty pleasure and feel unashamed of it, along the way. 

After awhile Coventry would throw herself out of bed and later, leave for school, it was incredible how she had never shown up late. But she would always speed on her motorcycle, down the slow open roads, not that much of a surprise. As Clementine pulled up into the parking lot of school, she applied another layer of lip balm and eyed her rear view mirror. 

The timer on her watch, beeped repeatedly, within the silence of her vehicle, as she switched it off and then looked around briefly, hoping no one would see, what was about to unfold. 

She gets out of the car and walks over to the trunk, unlocking the latch and lifting up the compartment under the car's trunk inside, revealing eight small vials. 

Some were empty and others were filled to the top with flesh, muscle, and skin as well as brimming with blood. 

Clementine picked up one of the full vials and chugged it down immediately, before exhaling hard afterwards. As her eyes glow red furiously, making her struggle to resist the urge to want more. She puts the vial back, hides it under the skin of the trunk and then closes it. 

Coventry then speeds up on her motorcycle, her helmet reading Coventry all in red. As she parks right next to Clementine. She takes off her helmet and gets off her bike. "You good?" she asks, as she watches Clem set her timer on her watch for six hours. "Yeah" Clementine says, locking arms with Coventry and walking towards the entrance of the school. 

"So how was dinner last night, with the Touralines?" Alexi asked, as her and Esme stood by their lockers, putting away there french books. "It was a little strange at first, but there actually not that bad, there house was beautiful and there room was pretty interesting"  Esme said, facing Alexi before Coventry and Clementine walk down the hall together. 

Coventry had worn her hair half up, half down, with loose curls and bangs which complimented her outfit that consisted of the colors red and black. Her ripped black jeans resting on her hips, as her Harley Davidson, tank top, flaunted her stunning red leather jacket. She was even wearing sunglasses indoors, as she walked the halls with her red and black Nike high tops. 

Clementine smacked on bubblegum, as she starred at her cellphone in her hands, the girls were listening to music, while sharing one pair of each ear pod. Her jean jacket, with a simple black and white, polka dotted shirt went exceptionally well, with her denim skirt and super cute white sandal wedges, on her feet. Her hair was in the same style as Coventry's, while they continued down the hall together. 

Several students stopped and stared, throwing compliments their way, as the girls disappeared down another hall. Esme watched as they left, finally detecting Alexi's finger snapping in her face to grab her attention. Kladia had slammed her locker in anger as Clementine and Coventry approached the hallway. 

They didn't exchange words, Clem just pops her gum out of annoyance to her and Coventry laughs, exiting the hallway. "Sorry, i just um-" Esme starts, before random people start handing Alexi tons of roses. "Oh my gosh.." Alexi whispers to Esme as she squeals in excitement. Then a banner slides down the lockers in front of them, revealing a poem. 

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