Birth Of The Curse

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Screams of agony filled the atmosphere, as the fluid from Victora's amniotic sac, led a trail halfway to the bedroom, down the hall.

 Blood was smeared on the walls, as Atticus's belongings were spread out at the end of the hall.

 The screams became louder, while Atticus comes running down the hallway, fear eating him alive as he busts into the room, where his wife was giving birth. 

"Where have you been?" Victoria says, as sweat falls off her face and body, drenching her long white and now, soaked, bloody, and silky night gown. 

Her bright red hair, rested on her shoulders, as her voluminous curls, bounced about. 

"Ran out of gas a few miles back-" Atticus starts, before one of the midwives shut him up, saying it wasn't important. 

As Atticus runs to Victoria's side, he takes her hand in his for comfort. 

The room was a bit crowded. 

Six witches claiming to be "midwives" were huddled into the room, helping Victoria breathe and telling her when to push at certain times. 

Atticus thought it was a bit weird to have more than one mid wife, but Victoria said, it was what she wanted. 

"Okay, one more Victoria, i need you to push" a witch says, holding Victoria's knees for support as she stared at the baby beginning to crown. 

More screams filled the air, as Victoria shut her eyes and squeezed Atticus's hand. 

A home birth was never actually planned, neither was having kids. 

But within just an instant, Atticus and Victoria had a newborn. 

"It's a girl" another witch says, wrapping the baby in a blanket and handing her to Victoria. 

As the newborn continues to cry, tears of joy fill up in Victoria's eyes, as she stares in wonder at her newly born child. 

"What should we name her?" Atticus says, as he kisses Victoria's forehead and leans over her on the bed, staring at there beautifully born daughter. 

"Coventry" Victoria says, as she hands the baby to Atticus. 

He smiles brightly, before feeling an overwhelming ounce of adoration. 

All of a sudden, Victoria feels a sharp pain in her uterus. 

"No, no... something's wrong!" she says, feeling frightened. 

"There's another one" the head witch says, lifting up Victoria's dress to see. 

"What?" Atticus says, looking over at Victoria. 

A few moments later, another newborn had arrived. 

And once again, it was a girl. 

"Two daughters.." Victoria said, feeling so shocked and overwhelmed at the same time. 

As the witch hands her, her second daughter. 

Victoria gets an feeling she can't quite describe. 

"Congratulations" the witches say in unison. 

As they watch in awe of the newborns. 

"Clementine" Victoria whispers, making Atticus look over at her, with an abundance of love. 

Clementine grabbed onto Victoria's finger for comfort, making herself stop crying. 

Victoria was astonished by her daughter's beauty and preciousness, that she felt as though she was falling in love with her, within every single moment. 

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