The Butterfly Effect

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"Oh, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to startle you" Esme says, seeing now as Paris was on edge. "What do you want?" she asked, as she looked up at Esme with her hazel green eyes. "I notice that you always sit alone, do you wanna come join my friend and i, at our table?" Esme asked, pointing over at Alexi, who was now waving at them. 

"No thanks" Paris said, taking the old book off the lunch table and shoving it in her backpack. ", okay" Esme said, watching Paris get up from her chair. "You're new here, right?" Paris asked, putting her bag over one shoulder. " it obvious?" Esme asked, slightly laughing. 

"In my opinion, you were better off where you came from, Evelore isn't for the faint of heart. Get out while you still can." Paris said, turning around to leave. Esme thought that seemed quite odd, but she shook it off. Out of the blue, Coventry speeds up to her in the cafeteria, and tackles her to the floor. The students began to gather around as they watched Coventry and Esme fight. 

"What are you doing?!" Esme screamed, as she shoves Coventry off of her. "This! is all your fault!" Coventry yells, as she struggles to her feet. Paris hears all the ruckus, and turns around to see what the fuss was about. "I wouldn't even be this way, if it weren't for you!" Coventry said, getting angrier by the second. "What are you talking about?!" Esme asked, so confused by the situation. "Your father! he killed my mother!" Coventry yells, making all the students holler in shock, as they look over at Esme. 

Esme still looks confused, until she remembers what Alexi was talking about earlier, the ancient love story between the cold ones. Mr. Touraline never specifically said who it was, but the description of the redheaded woman, gave it away. In the mountains, somewhere far away, a serpent was killed, skin as pale as snow, and flesh as cold as ice. Her hair which burned of winter fire, and her eyes as devilish as hellfire. 

Esme has never actually met Victoria, but the woman still felt like an old folklore to her. Esme even convinced herself when she was young, that it was just a myth. But was she wrong? "Victoria" she whispered again, unaware this time, of the consequences. "Don't you dare say her name!" Coventry yells, pulling her to the ground and trying to punch her. But Esme caught her fist every time. "Stop fighting!" Clementine yells, as the students crowding around them chant: "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!". 

Esme continues to slap her hand out of the way, as Coventry sits on top of her torso, trying to pin her hands down. But Esme's hand slips out and touches Coventry's cheek, Cov fusses at first before seeing a memory surface. Almost like a floodgate in her brain was cracked open. Victoria using Riley Beers as bait, Edward, Riley and Victoria getting into a fight before Bella distracts them. Coventry noticed how vicious her mother was, trying to go after Bella and wanting nothing more than too kill her. A lover for a lover. And then in an instant seeing her mother's head get ripped off and her body set on fire. 

Coventry screams, backs up on the floor and off of Renesmee, "what did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Coventry cried, tears falling down her face in fear. "I showed you who the monster really is, it's not me you wanna fight. Is it?" Esme said sitting up on the floor. "Okay, what's going on over here!?" the principal said, walking over to the pit that the students made around Esme and Coventry. Clementine walked over to Cov and helped her up off the floor, Alexi and Nickel did the same to Esme. 

"Both of you, my office, NOW" the principal said, and with that the bell rang for class making the rest of the students leave the cafeteria. Coventry and Esme make there way to the principal's office. As they both take a seat in front of his desk. It was hard to see the principal as just the principal. Who seemed as though he was out doing Kladia's dirty work as a father. 

"What has it been now? four strikes? FIVE?" the principal asked, his name tag glistening in the sunlight as he folds his hands. "Three, actually" Coventry replies, not making eye contact with him. "Well, thank god someone's counting!" Mr. Pierce says, leaning back in his swivel chair. As he shakes his head, Esme looks over at Coventry briefly, getting a better look at the matching ring she has with Clementine on her finger. Looked as though it was an October birth stone ring. 

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