The Sun, The Moon, and The Enchantress

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The next morning rolls around, as Clementine and Coventry were sitting at the island table in the kitchen, enjoying each other's company. "So, you and Kladia...that's odd" Coventry says, eyeing Clementine in disgust. "So what? you're homophobic now?" Clementine asked, raising an eyebrow. "That's not it and you know it" Coventry said, shoving her playfully, as Clementine laughs. "Oh stop, it just sort of..happened, okay? not like i can help it" Clementine said, shoving her back. 

"But forget about me, what about you?" Clementine said, resting her chin in her hand on the table, as she stared at Coventry with googly eyes. "What about me?" Coventry asked, pretending not to know what she's speaking of. "That guy that stole your motorcycle, what's going on there?" Clementine asked, giving her a sly smile. "Nothing...why do you ask?" Coventry says, acting totally oblivious. 

"No reason" Clementine said sarcastically, playing along with Coventry. As they began to laugh and tease each other, an orange package was slipped into there mail flap, through the door, and onto the floor, suspiciously. "What was that?" Coventry asked, as Clementine speeds over and picks up the package. "It just says, to the Touraline's" Clementine reads, as Coventry speeds next to her, glancing at the mysterious package as well. As they exchange a confused expression, Clementine opens the package and dumps out all that's inside on the kitchen counter. 

Images of all the bodies they trailed up the east side border were scattered about, scribbles and writings in a different language were written all around the bodies, as several symbols and circles were also drawn about on the photos, as a note was buried under. "Hey, check this out" Coventry says, reading the note. The handwriting seemed ancient as it read: "I know these symbols that create your story, find me in the woods for your origin backstory". 

"It says it's written by someone named Silitcia" Clementine said as Coventry eyed the images on the counter. "Do we know a Silitcia?" Coventry asks, looking over at Clementine. "Not that i know of" Clementine said, placing the letter and photos back into the envelope. "Okay, first of all, this could be anyone" Coventry says, watching Clementine throw the envelope in the trash. 

"It could just be someone pulling a prank on us" Clementine said, as she speeds out the front door, looking around. "We're not actually gonna go? are we..." Coventry asks, as she watches Clementine speeding around like an idiot. "No, we're not gonna go, it could just be a set up from Victoria or something" Clementine says, making it back to the front door. "But we still don't know what she wants, so, maybe this way we could find out" Coventry said. 

"I thought we weren't going?" Clementine asked, sitting on the stairs, in the front of the house. "But you have to admit, i make a good point" Coventry says, sitting next to her. "It'll be dangerous" Clementine says, looking at Coventry with a concerned expression. "No, it won't be. Cause we'll be with each other, facing her together" Coventry said, not having a doubtful tone in her voice. Clementine smiles, as they begin to hold hands, "Ew! no! you touch the devil with those hands" Coventry says, snatching her hand away, as she was referring to Kladia. "Oh come on, what are we? in elementary school now?" Clementine said, getting up from the stairs and heading inside. 

"Hey, i said nothing about cooties" Coventry says, as Clementine rolls her eyes laughing, as the front door gets shut behind them. Later that night, Atticus had fallen asleep on the couch, doing some more late night researching, Clem and Cov had waited, until he had dozed off, so they could sneak out. "He's out" Coventry says, waving to Clementine on the stairs to come over. "Go through the back!" Clementine whispered, slightly pushing her. 

The girls make it outside into the cold, fall, breeze, running off into the woods, to meet up with there fate. "So what's the plan?" Coventry asked, "we're headed to a possible death trap, and you're asking me now if i have a plan?" Clementine asked, as Coventry then realizes how dumb that sounded. "The plan was, you were gonna come up with a plan and if that plan didn't work, i would have a back up plan" Coventry says, as her and her sister walk through the woods. 

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