Ron Weasley

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Title: Unexpected

Pairing: Ron Weasley x Gryffindor!reader

Summary: Ron takes a notice to you and does everything he can to impress you, but ends up making a fool of himself. The good news for Ron? You fancy him too.

Word Count: 1.2k

Ron had expected certain things to be different once he got back to Hogwarts going into his 5th year. For one, he knew he would have more responsibility as a prefect and he'd have loads more work to prepare for OWLs. He knew that it wouldn't be an easy year for Harry with the Ministry and the Daily Prophet calling his best friend and Dumbledore a liar. That was to be expected. What wasn't expected was, well, you.

He didn't expect that with all his newfound responsibilities and share of a few problems that he would end up having the biggest problem he's ever had. You weren't the problem, but rather how he ended up acting whenever you were near him. He would trip up on his words or actually trip, which had happened quite a few times. Fred and George wouldn't let him hear the last of it. His actions led to everyone knowing about him fancying you, except you that was. Either that or you were pretending not to know because you didn't like him. Yeah, he was content on believing you just couldn't tell how much he fancied you. He reckoned you would have to be the most oblivious person on the planet, but at least you didn't know why he was acting so much like a fool.

He couldn't escape acting like a fool around you either, even here in the Gryffindor Common Room. The year had barely begun and the amount of times Hermione had flicked him on the forehead to get him to listen what they were talking about was already at a pathetically high number. He wasn't sure what time this was he had drifted off from what Hermione was saying, but it ended in the same result.


"Ow!" Ron groaned. "What the bloody hell was that for?" He asked Hermione rubbing his forehead.

"This is important, Ron." Hermione huffed. "It's about Umbridge. We have to do something. It would be nice if you could listen to us for a change."

"I was listening." Ron waved her off.

Harry let out a laugh. "I was!" Ron insisted.

Hermione rolled her eyes but Ron didn't miss the slight smirk on her lips. "You know," she leaned in so no one else could hear them expect Ron and Harry. "You could just talk to her instead of staring at her."

Before Ron could say a word, Harry teasingly added. "And making himself look like a fool."

"You're one to talk!" Ron huffed. "When Cho looked at you, you spit out your bloody pumpkin juice."

"Ron!" Hermione interrupted, not pleased that he was drifting off the subject. "Why don't you talk to her? You won't stand a chance if you never even speak to her."

"You're right you are, Hermione." Ron said thoughtfully. "I'll talk to her tomorrow in potions. Yes, potions. That's a bloody good idea."

Both of his friend's eyes bulged. "Well, maybe not in potions, Ron." Hermione said quickly.

"No, no." He said. "Potions is the perfect place, Hermione. Thanks for the idea. Well, I'm off to bed!" He finished cheerily.

"This can't be good." Harry mumbled. "How many points are we going to lose in potions tomorrow?"

Hermione blanched at the mention of losing house points. "At least a few. I wouldn't be shocked if he somehow spilled his potion on Snape."


The next morning, Ron woke up with a skip in his step, but that didn't change the fact he was very nervous. He knew he would be able to talk to you in potions, because you sat at the table next to where he sat with Harry and Hermione. It wouldn't be a problem to talk to you, but what would be a problem would be how he would act. So far he had made himself look like an idiot in front of you without even talking to you, so what would he do when he actually attempted conversation? Maybe he made a mistake deciding to do this in potions, but it was too late to go back now when he said he was going to do it.

Walking into potions, Ron immediately felt his nerves kick in. There he saw you, already sitting with Pavarti and Lavender. Your hair was glistening even in the dark lighting of the potions class room. You were taking out your potions textbook with your nimble fingers and even in a class no one seemed to like, you had a slight smile on your face. Before he knew it, Ron was at his table and only a few feet from you. It was now or never. He could sit down and forget his plan or he could turn to you and go for it. Summoning that Gryffindor courage, he chose the later.

"Hi, Y/N." He said as casually as he could.

Your head turned towards him and your slight smile turned to a larger one. "Hey, Ron." You said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear trying to push down a blush. Hearing Pavarti and Lavender's soft giggles didn't help since they knew very well that you had fancied Ron for quite a while. "How are you?"

"Oh--me? I'm--uh--good, yeah. Great actually." He rambled. 'So much for keeping it cool,' he thought as he felt heat in his cheeks from embarrassment.

You couldn't stop the giggle from coming out. "I hope I'm not making you nervous." You said softly but still with a slightly teasing tone.

"Me? Nervous? No, no. I'm fine." He brushed you off, trying to seem calm and collected, but failing miserably. The damage was already done.

"Not great?" You asked with a teasing smile.

"Oh, well. I--" He started but seeing as it wasn't going anywhere you interrupted.

You cut him off. "Don't worry, I get nervous around the person I fancy too." You said biting your lip hoping that you didn't misread the signals.

His eyes looked like they could pop out of his head. "I, uh," He started before turning over his shoulder and glancing at Harry. "Please tell me it isn't Harry."

"Oh no," You said casually with a smile. "I much prefer red heads."

"Oh," He said relieved with a goofy smile. "That's good. I wouldn't want to have to dye my hair."

You let out a laugh and in that moment Ron decided he enjoyed hearing nothing more. A beat of comfortable silence passed between you before you spoke again. "This is the part where you ask me out on a date." You said slightly leaning towards him.

"Right, right," He said hurriedly. "The Three Broomsticks on Saturday?" He asked, smiling at you.

"I can't wait." You simply replied with a bright smile before turning back to your table as Professor Snape came in.

For the first time, Ron didn't mind potions for once and miraculously, Gryffindor didn't lose any points in potions that day much to Hermione Granger's relief. It was certainly unexpected.

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