Honest coffee

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The drive home is silent. Just as we stop at a traffic light, Dylan finally speaks up.
"Let's grab coffee."
"Okay." I reply. I'm not in the mood for talking. One of my best friends just died.
We stop at a quaint little cafe. When I step foot inside, the aroma of blossoms and coffee beans engulf me in a wave of happiness. I instantly feel better. Dylan comes back with our coffee and we walk to a park near by.
"I hate seeing you upset Matilda." He tells me. "She was too young, I know that. But please say something."

"I like you too." I blurt out. "The way you comforted me, and when you acted so childish over pizza, I just realised, that I really like you too."

He just looked at me like he saw a ghost or something. "Wow, coffee does really make people honest." He says
I just laugh and hug him. " I know. And you're buying me more of it!"
He just looks at me and makes a hurt face. "I can't believe your only with me for the money!" He fake cries. That just makes me laugh harder. He gets up to go buy more coffee and I pull out my phone, only to see like, a billion texts from Gemma, so I decide to call her.
She immediately picks up.
"Tilly? Are you okay?"
"Yes gem, I'm fine. You?" (Sarcastic tone thought)I'm totally fine, considering my friend just died. No big deal right?
"I'm fine too." She says. "Priscilla's funeral will be next week. I'll text you the details."
"Okay, thanks Gemma. I have to go now. Bye."
I hang up, just as soon as Dylan sits down with the coffee.
"Matilda, will you go out with me?" He asks
I can see the worry and hope on his face as he looks at me.
"Yes. Of course Dylan."

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