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I hop into Gemma's car after school. Sarah, gem and I are going to go visit Priscilla today before she starts chemotherapeutic treatment.
As we get to the hospital doors, I feel my phone vibrate. It's Dylan.
"Hello?" I pathetically say.
"Hey Matilda, I heard about your friend, Priscilla ."
"Yeah. We're at the hospital right now." I say.
"I'll be there in a second." He says.
I can't believe he actually wants to come down here and see her.
"Thank you Dylan. That's really nice of you." I say
"Okay. See you in a second."

We walk in to see a pale faced Priscilla with bloodshot eyes.
"You guys came!" She says enthusiastically.
"Yeah. We wanted to see you." Sarah tells her.

The doctor walks in.
" listen Priscilla. I made a miss diagnosis. Chemotherapy is useless with the cancer you've got. You need an operation that has a 30% chance of allowing you to go into remission."

Priscilla becomes pale and Sarah starts crying.
"Th-thirty percent?!" I ask/shout.
"Yes but it's worth a shot." The doctor replies

"When can I go for the procedure?" Priscilla asks.
"Tomorrow afternoon, 5pm."

Suddenly I hear Dylan calling my name.
"Dylan! you came!" I said
"Jerk! What are you doing here?" Gemma asks coldly.
"Gemma, we made up." I tell her.
"Oh. Well then, HI!" She giggles.

Dylan and I go outside. Before I can say anything, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.
I feel safe in his arms. I feel safe with him.
"You're beautiful Matilda."

Million dollar smile guyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora