Perhaps?- continued

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Friday afternoon
5:30 pm

I stare at the clock and its 5:30pm. Time to get ready for my date with Dylan, the million dollar smile guy.
I stare at the mirror for what seems like forever , wondering if he likes me.
What if he does? Do i like him back?
My thoughts are interrupted when i hear my phone buzz. Its an unknown number.
I put my phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I plainly ask.
Shocked at the loudness, i turn down the volume.
I reply with "fine thanks, how are you?"
"Uh, yeah. Why?"
"BECAUS-" i cut her off
"Gem, your bursting my ears.. Speak softer." I giggle.
"Oh, sorry, anyway, did you want to go out with me and the girls to the santa monica pier tomorrow night?"
"Kay, that sounds fun. Wait, what time?" I ask
"8 ish. Ill pick you up,kay?"
"Sounds awesome! i have to go. Bye"

After the phonecall i head to the bathroom so i can take a shower.
After my shower i go back to my room and pull out a black bandeau and a white cami, along with some black skinny jeans and black leather converse. I then tie my hair up in a high ponytail and fasten a white hair bow.
I check my phone and its already 6:50.
Just as i grab my purse, the doorbell rings. I open it to find a very gorgeous looking dylan, who was wearing that perfect smile.
"Ready to go?" He asks.
"Yeah. Lets go."

The drive to the cinema is awful.
He is a terrible driver.
"Slow down, were gonna die!" I laugh
He just laughs.
" What did you want to watch?" He asks me
"Definitely not a romantic comedy." I reply
"How about... The new bond movie?"
"Yes! Thats perfect!" I say.

We pull up at the movies and go inside.
As he buys tickets, i go and get the popcorn.

"Lets go. Our movie is starting." he smiles.

///////////////. ///////////////.

Sorry for the long chapter!
Love you!

Xx alex

Million dollar smile guyWhere stories live. Discover now