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"Dylan. I'm not beautiful." I say.
"Stop doubting yourself."
"Well how do I know you weren't dared to do this?" I say rather coldly. "Dylan, I didn't mean that."
"I know. I hurt you, and it might be hard to trust me, after I did that to you." He says. I can tell he's sorry for what he did.
"I know but I'm over it. That was stupid to say."
"It's okay Matilda." He says and then wraps me into a hug. I look down at my watch. 7 pm.
"I have to go. My aunt is going to wonder where I am." I tell him.

"Ill give you a ride home." He says.

During the ride home, we laugh and talk about the stupidest things. His terrible driving,me not having my license and noodles.
Yes. Noodles.
"I don't get why they're so slippery! I mean, I would like to have a meal where the food d͟͟o͟͟e͟͟s͟͟n͟͟t͟͟ fall of my fork." He giggles.
I start laughing hysterically. I'm starting to like him again. Him, and his million dollar smile.

"You know what? Who cares about Friday. We don't have school tomorrow. I'm taking you out."
"Dylan, my aunt..." I whine.
"I'll text her." He says
"No!" I giggle. "I'll call her myself."
I grab my phone to text my aunt. I look at the screen and see that she sent me something.

-hey honey, I'm out of town for the rest of the week, so there's food in the fridge. Annette and her brother have gone to their friends houses for the week too. Stay safe. X-
"Looks like I'm alone for the week." I say
"Great! Let's go to your house." Dylan replies.

We get to my aunts house and Dylan plops down on the couch.

"I say movies and pizza." He says. Then he rambles, "and gummy bears and chocolate and-"
I cut him off.
"I swear you're five years old!" I laugh. "And you're paying for the pizza. Let's go to the store and get your stinkin gummy bears."
"AND CHOCOLATE!" Dylan yells.

Million dollar smile guyWhere stories live. Discover now