『Chapter 18』

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❝𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛.❞

Operation: Save Mikasa!

Armin stumbled towards the mansion, approaching the two guards that stood on either side of the door. He walked up to the closest guard and lost his balance.

"W-Who are you!?" The guard asked, slightly taken back by Armin's girlish features.

(A/N: I'm so sorry Armin please forgive me TwT)

"Hey sexy~" Armin inwardly screamed as he wrapped his arms around the guard's neck. The guard next to him approached Armin and inspected Armin from head to toe.

Armin noticed this and licked his lips, "checking me out are you~?" He asked latching onto the other guard and leaning closer to him. "Will you take in a poor girl like me? A girl who's barely sober?" He asked.

"Uh... s-sure! Right this way Miss!" The other guard, clearly prompted by Armin's features and lead the blonde into the house. Armin let out a drunken cheer and wobbled into the house with the lustful guards following him.

(A/N: Don't hate me my precious child)

"Alright let's go." Eren said and they quickly spread out. Eren, Marco and Connie headed into the building, quietly opening the front door and looking out for any guards in the room.

"I'll go and look for Armin, you two can go on. We'll find you." Marco said and Eren nodded. He watched Marco leave and once he was gone from his sight he and Connie moved on to the closest room.

Connie checked each and every room, closing the door and moving on with Eren. They soon arrived at the stairs when they suddenly heard the sound of men rushing towards them.

"Shit... Connie go see if there's a basement, if not go upstairs, I'll lead them away." Eren said.

Connie nodded and quickly rushed up the stairs. Guards flooded the room with their weapons out. Eren held his pistol, looking at each and every guard in the room.

"Put your weapon down, and we won't have to force you, Eren." The all too familiar figure stated and Eren smiled bitterly.

"You still have a soft heart for me Reiner?" Eren asked with a mocking grin.

"Not one bit." Reiner answered and approached the brunet, glaring down at his emerald green eyes. "Now, put your weapon down and submit to us, trust me. The Impero will provide you more than the Diavolo ever can."

Eren scoffed.

"What about a family bond?" Eren asked and returned the glare, his green eyes showing no emotion.

"Stubborn aren't you?" Reiner asked.

"Always will be stubborn." Eren let out a light chuckle.


Jean ran through the hallways after Eren and his team had gone in. Thomas pulled out a throwing knife, striking one of the guards. Franz then hid the body and quickly followed after them.

They heard the sudden noises of footsteps rushing past the room they were in. "Shit... they must've found out." Jean muttered and turned to Franz and Thomas. "You guys head on without me, I'm gonna go check out the ruckus."

The two nodded and rushed out of the room while Jean shortly left, heading in the opposite direction. Jean ran down the hallway and towards the main stairs that would go to the second floor.

He saw several guards surrounding the stairs and he quickly hid beside the doorway. "Come on Eren, you know it's useless so don't even try to fight us." Jean froze.

Reiner...? Jean thought and the instant feeling of anger swarmed him. He was about to charge in when he suddenly head Eren speak.

"Hah, alright then." Eren sighed.

What the fuck are you doing?! Jean asked himself.

"I assume that you're not dumb enough to come alone, so did you bring any companions?" Reiner asked pointing a gun to Eren's leg.

"Oh... actually I was dumb enough to not bring them with me," Eren answered, "you pissed me off so much I barged in here."

"Hah, and the great Eren gets caught because he actually cared about the person he was supposed to protect," Reiner laughed, "to think you'd get weakened by love Eren."

"Bold of you to assume I have feelings for her..." Eren blatantly said as he felt cuffs go around his wrists.

"I don't assume Eren, I know. It's quiet obvious to be honest." Reiner said as he turned away. "Take him to the boss' office."

Reiner turned his head to where Jean was peaking, however saw no one there. He then proceeded to walk back to his post, along with the other members of the Impero.

Two guards grabbed Eren and walked up the stairs.


Mikasa got out of bed and put away the book she had been reading for who knows how long. It had been some time since the faint sounds of the members of Impero running around.

I wonder what was going on outside? Mikasa asked herself as she walked towards the barred window and looked outside the gloomy world.

She bit the bottom of her lip and pleaded for the brunett she had longed to see to come. Its... so lonely without him... she thought sitting down on a chair.

Suddenly Mikasa slapped herself on the face. I need to find a way out of here! That way I can rub it in his face that I'm not a baby! She thought letting out a huff.

"Just you wait Eren!" She smiled to herself.

The door knob to her room suddenly began to shake and then there was another sound that echoed throughout her quiet room. Mikasa stood up, alerted and ready to face her visitor.


Meanwhile, Eren was pushed towards a very empty hallway. The two guard behind him ushered for him to quicken his pace. Keep pushing me and someday I'll rip their arms off and shove it up their asses! Eren inwardly growled.

Suddenly the guards grabbed his shoulders and they face two large, wooden doors. Eren took a deep breath and clenched his fists, knowing that this was the moment he had been waiting for.

All or nothing! Eren thought.

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