Everything Changes (Part II)

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3rd Person POV:

Caitlin exposed Frankie's case, of course she hid the fact that Frankie was a very powerful and dangerous meta-human and asked if there was any way that she could be her new foster family.

"So Mrs. Snow, you want to be with Frankie?"

- She is the daughter of a great friend of mine, from university days. When I heard that she was no longer with us, I was devastated because I thought I had more opportunities to talk to her. At the time, I didn't know she had a girl, and it was only last week that I learned that Frankie existed. I was dedicated to finding her because she is all that is left of my friend and I wanted her to have some things that belonged to her mother and that's when I realized what her foster dad was doing to her.

- I, after Joe called me, went to get Frankie's case and her story is really sad.

- And is it possible for me to keep looking after her? I say this because I know that she is currently with a new foster family.

- In Keystone, yes I know. This family shelters many children temporarily, that is, until we get a family that really wants the child permanently. So yes, you too just need to sign some documents.

Caitlin was going to dispute what Edward said, as it was only she who was going to keep Frankie's provisional custody, but Barry motioned her to say nothing. Barry knew that Caitlin was right when she said that Frankie needed to live in Central City and he was not willing to let Caitlin take care of her alone. After Edward filled in all the necessary fields, he was also investigating the criminal records of Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow and the financial records to make sure that Frankie would live in a good environment.

- Wait just a few minutes while I'm going to print these documents for you to sign, - said Edward leaving his office.

"Thank you for embarking on this adventure with me," Caitlin said quietly, so that only Barry could hear.

Five minutes later Edward returned to his office and handed the documents to Barry and Caitlin for them to sign. The document was huge and had about ten pages for them to sign, but if that was what it took to bring Frankie to Central City, then they would sign as many times as needed.

- What will happen from now on is that every week, a social worker, who in this case will be me, will come to your house to see how Frankie is and is being treated well. This provisional custody only lasts two months and at the end of that time, you can, if that is what you intend to do, proceed with the adoption.

- And what would be the day when you would go to our home?

- We never have a specific day, but don't worry because I will always go in the late afternoon or at the end of dinner. - Edward replied smiling. - This is your copy of the documents and when you want you can pick up your girl.

"We'll be right there," said Caitlin, smiling.

- I am telling the family that you will be passing by today.

- Can you just ask the family not to tell her? We want to surprise her. "Caitlin asked and Edward nodded." Edward, thank you so much for having received us so quickly."

- No need to thank me. It was a pleasure!

After saying goodbye to the social worker, the three went to fetch the girl. The three got into Joe's car and drove to Keystone. About two and a half hours later, they found the board that told them that they had just entered the city of Keystone and went to the foster home where Frankie was.

When they arrived at the door of the house, they rang the bell and the one who came to open the door was a lady who must have been about Caitlin's age. The lady was astonished when Caitlin told her that they had come to get Frankie, because the social worker had just called her and they had arrived very quickly.

- Frankie can you come down quickly? You have visits.

"Who is it?" Frankie asked as she descended the stairs. "Caitlin?" Barry? Joe? What are you doing here?

"We came to get you, honey," Caitlin replied, smiling, but she noticed that Frankie hadn't understand. "You're going to pack your bags because you're coming with us to Central City."

- Seriously? You are not playing a prank on me, are you? Because if it is, it is in very bad taste.

- We're serious. From this moment on you are our "daughter" .- Barry replied smiling.

- Good! I'm going to pack my bags.- Frankie said running up the stairs.

"It looks like she was very happy with the news," said Joe.

The truth is that it was not only Frankie who had been happy with this news. Both Caitlin and Barry were thrilled to have the opportunity to take care of that teenager who had already suffered a lot during her childhood. About twenty minutes later, Frankie came down the stairs and this time she came with her two bags and a backpack. After she said goodbye to her old foster family, the four got into Joe's car and drove to Central City. Two and a half hours, Joe was parking his car in the STAR Labs car park and seconds later the four of them entered the cortex, leaving a Cisco perplexed to see Frankie in front of him.

"Hi guys," said Frankie, putting her bags down on the floor of the cortex.

- Frankie? Did you run away? Do your parents know where you are? "Asked Cisco, worried but at the same time happy to see Frankie again.

"Don't worry, they know where she is," said Caitlin, smiling.

- Did you come to spend a vacation here? What about your school? "Asked Jesse this time.

- No, I think Frankie is here to stay. You adopted her, didn't you? That was your brilliant idea ...- said Harry, turning to Caitlin who just smiled.

- Oh ... She will be Snowbarry's daughter ... How beautiful! - Jesse exclaimed smiling.

After Frankie greeted everyone, she and her new parents went to Caitlin's so that Frankie could settle in one of the guest rooms. While Frankie packed up, Barry and Caitlin sat on the couch.

- I know that the house is yours and that maybe this is a very extreme change, but what do you think I will come to live here too. Because when the social worker comes, it has to look like I live here, because that was the impression he got.

- I think it's a great idea. It's a big change, but it will be worth it, "said Caitlin, looking down the hall.

That same afternoon, while Caitlin and Frankie started to make dinner, Barry went to Joe's house to pack his things. The next day, Barry and Caitlin went to enroll Frankie at Central City High School and spent most of the afternoon at the mall to buy everything needed to make the girl comfortable. When they arrived at STAR Labs, Cisco gave Frankie a gift, which was a necklace that helped suppress the personality called Magenta, which Frankie was supposed to wear while at school.

While during the week Frankie only devoted herself to school and new friends, on Friday afternoon and Saturdays she went with her parents to STAR Labs, where she learned how to control Magenta a her powers.

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