Remember Me

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The life of Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen changed about three years ago, when they got married and about a month and a half ago they received the best news that a couple could receive ... They were going to be parents! Everything seemed to be going beautifully in this couple's life, but a new meta-human attack came to put their happiness to the test.

What seemed like another normal day in the life of the Flash team members turned out to be a disastrous day. It all started with the sound of the central computer alarm, which gave the warning of a new threatened meta-human. As was customary this past month and a half, Barry always asked Caitlin to stay in the laboratory, due to her pregnancy nature, but she would not listen to him.

Both Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Ralph left to equip themselves while Harry and Iris stayed in the laboratory to assist in whatever was necessary. As soon as our four super heroes arrived at the place indicated by Iris, they saw that the Central City police (CCPD) were also present at the place, so they went to Joe to explain to them what was going on inside that house. .

Apparently, the meta-human, who was a woman in her early thirties, was inside with an accomplice, also a meta-human and there were at least five hostages. Two adults, two children (one nine years old and the other with disabilities) and a baby just seventeen months old.

After our heroes outlined the attack strategy, that is, the role that each of them would have in this mission, they split into two groups, the first group being made up of Barry and Ralph and the second group being made up of Caitlin , Cisco and Joe. While the first group would enter through the front door, distracting the meta-human who was in the room with the two adults and two children, the second group would enter through the back, and their mission would be to rescue the baby, delivering it to Joe, so that the baby would be 100% safe.

Caitlin and Cisco entered through the back door and while Caitlin went upstairs and Cisco advanced, carefully and without making a lot of noise, he advanced into the room, where the rest of the hostages were. As soon as Caitlin finished up the stairs, she used her powers to freeze the accomplice and removed the baby from that room, taking the child to Joe.

She was on her way to the living room when she heard a loud bang and as soon as she got there, she saw Barry lying on the floor, leaning against the wall. She also saw that Ralph was taking on the confrontation with the meta-human. After using her powers to freeze the meta-human, Caitlin concentrated on helping her husband.

"But what happened, anyway?" Asked Harry as soon as the heroes all arrived at STAR Labs.

- We were fighting the meta-human and suddenly she fires some lasers in our direction and Barry took them, to protect Cisco.- Ralph replied.

After doing some tests, we saw that there were no signs of permanent trauma, so at any moment Barry would wake up and this nightmare would end, but what nobody expected was that Barry woke up with amnesia.

"How do you feel, dude?" Asked Cisco.

- I feel fine.

"I'm glad you're okay, you gave me a fright," Caitlin said, taking Barry's hand, but as soon as she did, he quickly removed his hand.

- Barry ...- said Cisco.

- Who's Barry? Who are all of you?

- He's enjoying himself right? Is this a joke, Barry? It's because if it is, you can stop, because it's not being fun at all, "said Caitlin, startled.

- Seriously, who are you guys? Where the hell am I? Is this a dentist office?

- No, no, this is STAR Labs.- Ralph replied.

- Why am I doing in a laboratory?

- Barry what is the last thing you remember? - asked Iris.

- Ah ... I was in my laboratory at CCPD, when I was hit by a kind of lightning and that's basically it. I just remember the feeling of falling to the floor. But who are you after all?

- We're your friends, your family.- replied Caitlin. Upon hearing this, Barry began to observe around him and on the walls of this room, as well as on the walls of the other rooms of this laboratory, there were some frames with photographs of the whole team, Barry included.

- That's a nice ring. Who's the lucky guy? - asked Barry after noticing Caitlin's ring.

- You are, Barry. I am your wife!

- You are? How?

- Harry, I thought there were no signs of any permanent structural damage.

- And there is not.

- Then why can't he remember anything?

- He apperars to be suffering from some sort of psychogenic retrograde amnesia, - replied Cisco, observing the tests we did on Barry's brain.

"How long do you think the amnesia will last?" Caitlin asked, looking again at her husband, who was just watching the room.

- I do not know exactly. It may take a few days, a few weeks, a few months, or even a few years. It all depends on the person!

"What can we do to speed up the process?" Asked Iris worriedly.

- Unfortunately, we can't do anything but wait.

Caitlin knew that Harry was right and that there was nothing more to be done than to wait for Barry to start remembering them all. But this situation was costing her immensely, because to see the love of her life remembering neither her, nor the moments they spent together, nor that they would soon be parents for the first time, it was a complete nightmare.

Author's note:

Hello guys, I just wanted to let you know that this One Shot has a second part, which will be out next Monday.I would also like to say, whoever has any idea of history or titles that they want to see published here comment, because I will have a great pleasure in making a One Shot on that request :) :)

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