Chapter 1: Sophomore Year

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I wake up to find my cat sitting directly on my chest, purring as loud as possible. She probably wanted food so I gently brushed her head and she popped up immediately, she got up and ran to my bedroom door followed by a cute little meow. "Okay, I'm coming Venus!" I've had her since I was a little kid, adrien got her for me. Adrien and I have grown up as childhood best friends since we were both in the modeling industry, he got a little black cat and I got a black and white cat with a little stripe separating the two colors down her face. She's always been by my side, but that's not really the point, what makes it so special is the fact he gave it to me, I've liked him since I was 6 and I feel like I have to mask my feelings so I don't hurt Marinette. I keep overthinking about all this while pouring food in her bowl, her whole setup is in my bathroom so I just prop up my makeup and start applying it, today we have cheerleading tryouts so I wanted to make sure I looked at least somewhat presentable. I look down and I got a text from Adrien, I read it aloud "I am so happy rn! you'll never guess what just happened!!" I immediately got excited so I texted him back, cutting on the radio as I do so. Adrien and I's childhood song immediately cut on. 

"'cause after all this time I'm still into you"

Y/n: "Spill! I need all details, nowwww!" 

"I should be over all the butterflies, I'm into you, I'm into you!!" 

Adrien: "Well.... All our classes are together! No joke, how did this happen?"

"And baby even on our worst nights, I'm into you..." 

"Dude, I swear this is honestly the BEST way to start my morning. I'll come over in 15 to pick you up, My dads letting me borrow the motorbike!!" 

"Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'cause I don't really need to wonder at all."

"Seriously N/N?!?" (nickname, choose anything, go wild!)

"Yeah, after all this time.. I'm still into you."

"Haha yes, try not to flail ur arms this time kay?" 

He hearted the message and I went ahead and brushed my teeth, he always enjoys riding on my motorbike but he also flails his arms any chance he gets. He's like a comedian, except he doesn't get that he's being hilarious. I start putting my clothes on, a sheer black long sleeved shirt, black and white plaid skirt, a black jacket just in case it got cold in Mrs. Buisters class again, and my purse with all my school assignments and such. 

I walk out of the house with a piece of Avocado toast in my mouth, "Bye mom, bye dad! Love you, have a great day!" I said while trying to run out to the motorbike, making sure I made it in time

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I walk out of the house with a piece of Avocado toast in my mouth, "Bye mom, bye dad! Love you, have a great day!" I said while trying to run out to the motorbike, making sure I made it in time. I hop on and make sure my helmet is fastened and that I have my other helmet for Adrien, both check. I started the engine and I was off, the breeze blowing the strands of my hair that didn't make it into the helmet, the warmth of my breath hitting the cold air, looking around at all my favorite stores, boutiques, bakerys, just feeling on top of the world. I see Adriens house in the distance and start smiling, this neighborhood has so many memories. Sneaking out last year so we could go climb the Eiffel Tower, two years ago we climbed the roof so we could get away from the adults, the childhood memories of running around Adriens big yard, but the most painful memory to come back was watching adrien slowly start to lose himself with his mother dying, luckily he seems way happier now. It scares me incase he'd ever feel like that again, as my thoughts corrupted I saw adrien waiting outside and I popped a wheelie to mess with him. I saw him laugh out of my peripheral vision. "Hop on, come on. I was late, now we're gonna be late." He chuckled again and grabbed his helmet. 

"How exactly do I work this thing? Like how do I fasten it around my chin?" He seemed so clueless, it made me laugh. "I'm being serious y/n!" 

"Wow, model boy can't work a stupid strap on a helmet." I mimicked him and we just had a laugh, we always bickered with each other. "Here, let me help you." I got in front of him and lifted my hands to his chin area as I worked the strap, "God, did you already break it?" He laughed and I was there struggling, he lifted my chin up with his finger. 

"Not that easy is it, model girl?" He didn't laugh, he just stared into my eyes, with such a gentle gaze. 

"I mean, if you broke it thats your fault! Now come on, take my helmet, I'll ride with the one that's messed up, can't have anything happening to your money maker." He just chuckled and hopped on with the broken one. 

"I'm serious, I'd be at liability if you got hurt, helmet, now." He gazed at me with such a gentle and comforting gaze, "Model bo-" 

"You're demanding aren't you? Nice personality trait model girl." we always called eachother that, hoping to make one another mad, I tapped his helmet causing it to bump into his head, "Ow." He kept making that noise over and over again so I pretended to knock the bike over, causing him to jump. 

"Okay now, fun and games are over. You're dads gonna kill me, adrien." He laughed and I hopped on, he held onto my waist the whole ride, probably scared I was gonna dip him off. I started the engine and he kept flailing his arms, again. "Adrien what the-" As I said that I saw a man in the middle of the street, "OH MY GOD." He was attempting to cross the road, I immediately swerved lanes and stopped the vehicle. Running to the man to get him out of traffics way, "Hey sir, you could get really hurt out here. Would you like a hand?" 

"Why thank you, miss. I'd absolutely love some help, I seem to keep getting myself into these situations, I apologize." I grab his cane and hand it over to him, holding onto his back and other hand to stabilize him. 

"No need to apologize, I'm just glad you aren't hurt. I'm y/n by the way, it's lovely to meet you." He gave me a warm smile and I continued to help him cross the street, adrien waiting with the bike. 

"Is that you and your boyfriend? I'm wang by the way, it's nice to meet you." I smiled at the fact of someone calling him my boyfriend, if only the answer to that was yes.

"Sadly no, we're childhood best friends. Not gonna lie, I do deep down like him but there's this... other girl. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be spilling my life story." He smiled as I helped him over the sidewalk and put his cane on the ground once again. 

"No, it is completely fine. I see you two will soon have a future together, I can sense it. Just gotta get it in his head, y'know? I hope to see you sometime again, thank you for your help miss." I felt something sink into my purse but I didn't really care, the advice this man has was amazing, so wise. 

"I sure hope it does, I've been dropping hints but who knows if it would even pan out. Thank you for the kind words, I hope you find your way around here." I had a pure smile on my face, I felt so genuinely happy. He waved and I headed the other direction, hoping back on the bike and driving to school. Hopefully I'm not too late. 

Your adventures with chat awaits, don't forget you're going to be fake dating Agreste, doesn't mean a special cat won't be a love interest too. I hope you're enjoying my book so far, so sorry for being on hiatus for so long, I needed a bit of time to get rid of writers block. I'm really invested in this story, so I'm hoping I don't abandon this one as well! I hope you enjoy the chapters to come :) - C 

Fake it till you make it... Adrien x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now