Chapter Sixteen

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Sapnap woke up first this time. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through Twitter to see Dahlia getting canceled. "Fuck," he mumbled and Lia woke up to it. "Hmm?" She muttered and he tried to stop her from grabbing her phone which he failed at. "What?" She said, more awake now. He cleared his throat, before sighing.

"Stay off Twitter for a bit." He said casually. "What the hell are you trying to hide?" She accused, instantly going to Twitter. Sapnap hadn't even tried to find out what she was being canceled for. He decided to do it now. He clicked on the trending hashtag to see photos of her, definitely her, in some guys lap. Caleb's. He sat up, pushing the covers off, Dream called him but he declined it.

Dahlia was breathing heavily beside him, still laying down. It was obviously recently, considering the clothes she was wearing. She called him that day. He said she pushed her. This. This did not look like that. The female had sat up but he was already out of bed. "Sapnap.." she pleaded but he ignored her. "You know what he's done to me." She said, getting out of bed to run to him. He shrugged her off and she stumbled backwards.

"I announced it. Us. Yesterday. You didn't even tell me this could happen. Is this what he meant? You slept with him and didn't tell me?" He accused, his voice raising. "Let me explain." She cried out but he didn't give her a chance. "No, I understand now." He laughed and put on his shoes, grabbing his keys. The girl was full on sobbing now.

"You know how I am! I wouldn't do that." She choked. "No, I know. Now at least, you had to go back to him." He said monotonely before standing up and grabbing his keys. "Glad the world knows you're a cheater," he scoffed before leaving the house, dahlia collapsed onto the floor sobbing. She heard him start his car and leave. She had no one. She had to call Dream, he attempted to call Nick. Dialing his number, he picked up right away.

"Where is he!?" He said panicking. She sobbed harder, barely being able to breathe. "I'm coming back home from the airport, I'll buy you a new pc." He said rushing but not hanging up. "Where did he go, Dahlia." He ordered and she choked on her tears. "He left." She whispered and he swore a little before she heard him start his car and speed off. "What happening." She asked numbly. "He anger drives. Don't take anything he said personally. We'll get it figured out okay? I know that Caleb is toxic and he did this. He had to, I'm sorry you went through this. He struggles with being able to trust." Dream told her and she cried harder. "He thinks I cheated Dream. He fucking thinks I slept with him." She cried out.

He muttered something before hanging up, leaving her alone in silence. She curled into a ball and stared at the wall, tears flowing but now she was silent. Her fandom hated her and she was alone. Completely.

Two hours passed and Dream came home finally, looking panicked. He spotted Lia and helped her up, but she could barely hold herself up. He carried her to the spare room and sat on the bed, tears still flowing. He called Sapnap for the millionth time and shockingly, he picked up. "What?" He mumbled. "Where the fuck are you?" Dream snapped. "Away, I don't want to be home while she's there." He replied in the same tone. "You left your girlfriend on the ground sobbing, who by the way, is still sobbing. On top of that, now silently crying." He barked at Sapnap who laughed in response. "She cheated on me dude. There's photo evidence, so until she goes away I'll be here." He answered blankly.

She bit her hand to prevent herself from crying out loud. "You're standing up for a cheater," he added causing her to start shaking again from crying. Dream grabbed her hand and she squeezed it. He gave her a sympathetic look. "You didn't give her a chance to speak did you?" He said and left the room. Dahlia finally started sobbing again and couldn't muffle it. She felt so broken. Everything hurt, her head, her heart, all of it.

She grabbed her phone and dialed Nikis number. "Dahlia?" She answered worriedly. "I have to leave." She whispered. "Oh Dahlia.." She murmured before comforting her and offering a place for her to stay at. She accepted it gladly. She had Niki book her a fight and she hung up. Dream came in shortly after and she was silently staring at the wall. "Hey.." he tried. "He's coming home, I talked him into it. Only in a few days though, he wants to think it over." He tried to comfort her but all it did was bring her more pain.

"What do you want to eat?" Silence. "Dahlia please, he didn't mean it. He broke down when he heard your sobbing," Silence. He sighed and stood up before leaving. She didn't move once. Not even when he brought her food. It went untouched.

In fact, it went untouched for the next few days. She barely left bed. "She isn't eating dude." Dream pleaded. "Or sleeping. She just stares." He whispered. That was the topic of every call. Finally, Dream had to leave to get things and She took this opportunity to leave. She left a goodbye note on the counter before exiting the household and calling a taxi to bring her to the airport. She passed out for the car ride there, and on the plane.

She made it finally, barely being able to walk she saw Niki who's face softened at the sight of her. The smaller girl embraced her and Dahlia stood there wordlessly. They drove to Nikis apartment and Niki introduced her to her roommate then showed her to her room. Dahlia barely said a word, and Niki tried her hardest to make Dahlia feel happy but it didn't work. She would for days on end stare at a wall, cry and now sleep.

Niki would sit with her sometimes and hold Dahlia while she sobbed. Dream called her millions of times, even trying Niki but Niki only told him she was alive. Sapnap hadn't even attempted to, she knew he got home a few days after she arrived at Nikis. Nothing soothed her heartbreak. It took weeks for her to even sit up. Niki had to force feed her, but it'd end up coming up later on from crying hard.

She lost the one person she loved most. Her loved her most. Over a misunderstanding he refused to believe her on. Everyone else knew it was a lie and defended her. Sapnap refused to talk to any of his friends about it, or let him know. He turned them down or left call. She hurt so deeply. It was constant pain. Stabbing, heart tearing pain. She'd cry less often but still hasn't spoken to the female. There'd be days that Niki would sleep in Dahlias room to make her feel better. Those were the hardest days for her.

The days she'd think about her wrong doings. Niki would hold her as she sobbed herself into a sleep. Almost a month had gone by and she disappeared from the world. Her Twitter still being spammed with her being told to apologize or explain. She hadn't felt better and now, was dropping weight quickly. She hadn't taken a shower and was a complete mess. She looked like one even more. This day, Niki came in with a plate full of food and a phone with a call going on, discord call. Sapnap was on it. She looked at Niki who stared at her desperately. Turning it on speaker, she heard Dream talking. Niki was muted though. "You're ready yeah?" He said and Sapnap sighed in annoyance. "Dream, I already told you. I'm over it, over her. I don't care anymore. She didn't wait for me obviously I was nothing." He said and Dream went silent. Niki looked shocked, obviously he had something different previous to this.

"O-oh." He said and left the call. Niki sat down staring at the call. "Niki?" He said and she left the call after that. Sapnap knew at that point. He fucked up. He wasn't over her, never would he ever be either. Although, he knew Dahlia had been listening. This physically destroyed him now.
It hurt writing this ngl. My poor Dahlia is so broken. I know y'all are probably wondering if this will be the end, I'm not gonna tell you! Stay tuned to find out.

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