Chapter Eleven

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Today was an interesting day. She had one more day before she had to leave her friends and take them back home. The last few days flew by in a blink. Today they were all just deciding to hang out rather than go out. Of course, they'd planned a small little trip to the mall. She, Dream, Sapnap, and George had all decided they'd group while Niki Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Quackity all grouped. Unfortunately they'd had an uneven group so one person was always having to be an extra which didn't matter as they all got along.

After they all decided on their outfits they headed out in groups in the cars and arrived at the mall. Honestly, Lia wasn't doing much other than recording. Dream had ran off and it was just her and George. "I can promise you Nick will make you the happiest person alive. He loves you. He tells us about you all the time. Let him in Lia, I know it's hard to accept affection and show it back, but let him show you." He said, holding her shoulders as they stared at each other.

She smiled at George and nodded. "Of course, thank you George. I appreciate it." The girl smiled and gave him a hug. "Of course, I understand where you're coming from." The British man said, though it was muffled. Though in the distance, a jealous Sapnap was watching, eyes glaring as he watched the two.

They pulled apart and began walking in the direction that Dream and Nick had gone. She felt George discreetly elbow her side and she hissed in pain. She rolled her eyes and stayed beside George. "Are you alright, Nick?" Dahlia asked concerned as she felt him being distant currently. "Fine." He mumbled. She eyed George before grabbing Nicks hand and dragging him out in the parking lot.

"Nick, answer me now. Are you ok?" She asked, demanding more. "I'm fine Dahlia. Back off." He ends the conversation like that. She felt her heart ache. Slowly she lifted her hand up and rested it on his face. "Nick. What happened." She said, pouting and giving him a sad look. "I saw you and George." He said finally. She almost started laughing and he saw her face change from concern to what she was trying to avoid.

"Sapnaps so jealous!" She laughed and dropped her hand from his face but he grabbed her wrist and spun her around so now she was pushed against the railing. "Dahlia." He said lowly, his voice almost a growl. She gulped and looked away from him. "We were just hugging. We talked about something private it wasn't anything bad." She said truthfully after she was able to get her mind straight.

His hand went straight to her face and pulled it so she had to look at him. "So you two weren't doing anything?" He said seriously. She rolled her eyes causing his hand to tighten on her face. "Y-yes!" She said. "I don't know why I'm like this." He said and released her in which made her let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She sighed as she gripped the railing hard to ground herself.

The streamer closed her eyes letting the wind cool her off. She felt Sapnaps presence behind her and she turned around to look at him. Without a thought, she grabbed onto him and smashed her lips onto his. "I like you Sapnap, I really do." She said against his lips but he shut her up by pressing back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he rested his arms on her waist.

She felt like she was in heaven. Her world spinning from how happy she was and how she was extremely in love. God she was in deep. Dahlia broke the kiss before things got any deeper. She smiled as she pushed away from him. She heard him groan before turning to catch up to her. She gave him a smile, and at this point Sapnap knew she was his. He was wrapped tight around her finger and god he'd do anything she'd tell him to. They finally found George and Dream and met up with them.

"Welcome back, love birds." George said chuckling carefully. Within seconds the girl flipped him off and gave him a fake smile. They sat down at a food court and ordered food, knowing that the second group would find them very soon. As the food came they all instantly dug in. Lia planned on hanging out with Nick later one on one for their relationship to fix itself. She ended up kicking George half way through their lunch causing him to instantly choke on his food.

"Bet you choke on Dreams dick too." Dahlia added as she took another bite on her food, now causing Dream to start choking on his food and Sapnap to spit out his drink. "Dahlia... What!" Dream said in between coughs and wheezes. Meanwhile, Nick is trying to breathe again and George is extremely red. None of them expected her to comeback like that and it made her smile evilly. "You don't fuck with me when I'm eating. Ruin my lunch I ruin yours but worse." She said and finished her food as she waited for the rest of them to as well.

After a good few minutes they all finished. "I don't know why I agreed to even come here." George said as they walked to find the other group who didn't end up finding them. They ended up passing a game store and saw them. "Dumbasses." She muttered and let the guys walk in as she stayed put outside. "Hey there, been a while." She refused to look up. That voice. The tone. She felt her breathing pick up in fear. He's the one that fucked her up. Maybe he's changed?

"Hi.." she said hesitantly after a minute. "What've you been up to? Other than streaming." He asked as he leaned against the wall next to her. "Uhh just been hanging out with friends." She said and finally looked up at the man. Her ex. "Oh that's nice." He said and leaned in closer to her. "I uh, I have a boyfriend." She said when she saw Nick exiting the store and met her pleading eyes almost instantly. "What's going on here?" He asked. "Caleb, this is my uh, boy... friend Nick." She said pausing and gave Nick a pleading and more urgent look.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and looked back at Caleb. "Oh, are you her ex?" Nick asked as he pulled Dahlia closer. The tall man nodded in response. "Can I get your number Lia, so I can speak to you and repair the broken bond between us." He asked and tensed in Sapnaps grasp who rubbed her back in a comforting way. "Um.. I guess?" She said and handed him her phone in which he instantly typed in his number. "Text me." He said and looked at the door way where the rest of the group exited. "Ayyy we ready to go ye-" Quackity began before he realized the man in front of them. "Let's go." Dahlia said hurriedly as Wilbur and Niki stood beside her.

"Um bye Caleb!" She said and broke out of Nicks grasp and bolting for the mall door. Definitely wasn't how she planned for this day to go. She quickly opened her car and hopped in waiting for everyone else. George hopped into the front seat this time and Dream and Sapnap were forced into the back. Niki had offered to join but Dahlia had told her to go with Wilbur and the rest.

"Who was that?" Clay asked after a minute of them driving. "My crazy stalker ex." She said and leaned against the steering wheel. "And you gave him your number Dahlia!?" Nick said after a millisecond. "Look what else am I supposed to do? He'll find out where I live anyway." She said and sighed. George gave her a comforting look and she sighed yet again.

Finally they all pulled into the parking lot and got out, going to the main room. Dahlia sat down and began to transfer all the footage she got over the last 4 days. She set her computer aside and turned to the group and they all began to bond more and play games. She was so happy and so sad at the same time. Tomorrow would be the day they all left. She didn't want them to go, she especially didn't want Nick to go but she knew she had to let them go. As they talked she edited the footage and covered Dream whenever he'd pop in for his decency.

At like 12:30 they all ended up passing out in her room. George and Dream were sharing a bed, her and Nick were sharing a bed. Tommy and Tubbo were passed out on the floor and Wilbur and Quackity were passed the fuck out on the couch and Niki was sitting in a chair beside Dahlias bed. She closed her computer and set it on the nightstand and looked at Niki. The girl gave her a smile in which allowed Dahlia to turn off the light. "I'll kick Nick off the bed if you want a place to sleep." Lia whispered earning a small giggle from Niki who denied. "It's fine I'm good in this chair anyways." She said before grabbing a blanket and turning to the wall. Within seconds Niki was also out leaving her as the last one awake.

She pulled herself under the covers and closed her eyes, feeling sleep take her away almost instantly. She was not ready to let go of all her friends. Not even in the slightest. Dahlia curled herself into a ball to help herself sleep and try and keep the memories of her ex away. The one who made her feel afraid to show affection in case her significant other were to leave her.

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