Chapter Two

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Saturday approached more quickly than she would've thought. She hadn't leaked anything yet and neither had her new friends about the recording. Although they all collectively agreed to tweet about it today before they started streaming.

@LiaGames/L i a
Currently Recording a video ;) keep an
eye out

User1 What're you recording???
User5 Wait.. didn't Dream Gogy and Sapnap also post like this???? Theories?? Are they recording together?
Liked by LiaGames
User3 replying to User5 and LiaGames Woah, that actually makes total sense wth? Omg I'm excited now! Our dreams are coming true!
User7 replying to User 5, User 3, and LiaGames I bet you she's using our boys for clout! Like.. why else would she be talking to them?!
LiaGames replying to User5, User3, User7, and LiaGames Hi :) please don't start saying stuff you don't know :) I would never use anyone for clout!
Liked by Dream, Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound and 2,457 others

Upon logging onto the server they'd given her, she looked around and got her recording ready. "Hi Lia!" She heard Sapnaps cheerful voice say to her. "Are we the first ones here?" She asked him.

"Everyone else is afk right now, so yeah technically!" He said. She smiled and started punching his character. "Um, rude!" He gasped as he started hitting her back. They did this a few times until Dream came back and unmuted. Now they waited on George to return.

"Are you guys ready to get this show on the road? It'll be a fun recording!" He said and watched them as they ran in circles around him.

"Uh yeah! I haven't really done a recording with people in a while. So I'm kinda nervous." She said after a minute. Dahlia stopped running and crouched in front of Sapnap. She had her character stare at him.

"Simps!" Dream called out suddenly before having his character turn and bolt away. "Hey! I'm not a simp!" Lia exclaimed, hot on the green blob mans trail.

Dream started doing his iconic tea kettle wheeze as she chased him. "Hey I'm not a simp either!" Sapnap said, before they all ended back at the spawn laughing hard.

"Alright I'm back, sorry it took so long I got held up with something." The British man said. She'd learned a lot about the group. They hadn't stopped talking and she learned a lot of information about them just as they had about her.

"It's alright. Are we ready?" Dream said. Starting her recorder, she crouched beside them and hit F5 as they all did their intros.

"Alright let's go!" Dream said, running off, the three of them followed behind him. Today, they were playing Minecraft as usual but they had coded it so that they saw X-RAY the entire time(I know it's an old video but shhhh). It got harder as they continued to play although they all had a full set of diamond everything.

Dahlia's face hurt so much from laughing at their screams and every time they fell. When they made it to the nether, that's when the panic set in all three of them. They all held their crouch buttons down in fear of falling off an edge to their death.

The female streamer giggled when she watched Sapnap go falling down into lava and began burning. Sapnap screamed. "It's not funny Lia!" He whined as he began making another diamond armor set. Dream was tea kettle wheezing and George was focused on not dying. Luckily they'd gotten blaze rods and now were on their way back to the portal.

Dream had taken off and left Sapnap(after he came back and found them!) and Lia alone to figure out what they had to do, they had zero clue where George went. "Sapnap I swear to god I will personally ki-" she was smacked into lava before she could finish her sentence. The call broke out in laughter as she hit her hands on her desk in anger.

"You bitch!" The girl screamed as she began mining once again to get more diamonds. "Sapnap I'm going to fucking kill you and hang your head on a wall!" She growled. She crafted herself more armor and waited by the portal crouching for sapnap to come out. After a bit he had and started attacking him. He screamed in fear before attacking back and running away placing blocks in fear he'd fall.

After a while they found the end portal and went inside, blew up all the crystals and fought the enderdragon. Sapnap ended up being thrown out of the world by Dahlia in revenge and never came back. It was between her Dream and Now George.  She started shooting it and went in to start killing it.

Dream placed down a bed and hit it causing it the blow up and send Lia flying backwards. She cursed at dream and hit him before going back at the dragon. At this point all of them had died once beside her which intensely boosted her ego.

She saw Sapnap come back and go straight for her. She began screaming as she was chased around. She saw George and Dream start killing it and turned around getting two hits which boosted Sapnap far away from her. George hit it and almost killed it giving her the win when she hit it. "SUCK IT NERDS!!!" She screamed in victory and threw her arms up.

They all bursted out laughing. She leaned back against her gaming chair when Dream teleported them all back to spawn. She turned off X-ray and gasped. "We so over exaggerated!" She laughed.

After they ran around looking at everything they hopped off. "Thank you for this fun time today, Dream! I enjoyed this and can't wait to collab more with you all!" She said and hit quit. She stopped her recorder and stayed in call. "Well, Goodnight Lia, Goodnight Dream and Sapnap." George said before leaving.

"We hope to have you record more with us sometime Lia! I'm gonna go to bed!" Dream said before telling Sapnap goodnight. The Texan stayed in call with her for a bit as she exported her video in her editor to edit. "Are you gonna go to bed?" She asked.

Grabbing her laptop she decided to export it to her laptop so she could lay in bed. She switched to discord off her phone and plugged in her headphones as she listened to him talk. "Not yet, I was hoping to talk to you for a little while." He said.

Lia smiled, and began editing. "I'm gonna be editing for quite a while." She said. Half way through she'd gotten to know Sapnap quite well. Better than over the last few days. It'd been at least an hour of her editing 2 and a half hours worth of recorded footage from their gameplay, she heard his light snoring and she smiled.

At about two in the morning for her, she just about finished her editing. She stretched and saved her progress before shutting her laptop and setting it beside her bed. Forgetting she'd been calling Sapnap she had fallen asleep within seconds on call with the male.

She fell asleep with a smile on her face, her dreams filled happiness from the day. She enjoyed hanging with them today, and she actually had a bunch of fun making a video for the first time in what seemed like ages.

Like this, the pair had fallen asleep on call, calm in each other's presence fast asleep. Little did they known that they forgot it was in the group chat with Dream and George and when those two woke up, them asleep on call had been screenshotted and posted to Twitter.
Chapter two! How we feeling today friends? This chapter honestly was wack but it's okay! I was rewatching old videos and this one came on so I thought to base it off that video.

Pretend it fits the timeline. I'm loosely following the smp lore. I'll add it here and there but I have lots planned ;) make sure to comment and vote to show me you like this story! Give me ideas as to what you'd like to see me add! Remember to drink water please, I love you all ❤️ Not proof read

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