Chapter Fourteen

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After a long silent moment, she finally responded. "Yes." And she heard him breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly the entire group spam joined the call and started screeching. "Woo! My mans got a girlfriend!" Dream yelled and she face palmed.

"You all are so fucking dumb, I'm not even gonna lie." She laughed before seeing a dm from techno in her discord telling her to log on in 15 for a lore with him. "Well, I've got to go prepare for a small lore stream with Techno. Bye nerds!" She said laughing before exiting the call and game. She was no longer single. She was dating Nick. She didn't know how to feel.

She finally went out with him, the guy who made her few loved and showed her love despite the fact she'd never felt what it was like. She got herself prepared and hopped onto the smp and put all her materials away. Today would be her and Techno getting ready for revenge on Lmanberg. Revenge on Tommy and Tubbo for betraying them yet again. Revenge for everyone who did wrong by them.

She was ready to get revenge on them all for burning her house down, no one had fessed and she was done. "Look at these dogs." She laughed. "Holy shit." She added. "There goes my paycheck for the month." He said completely monotone about her swearing. She started to laugh again and shook her characters head. She had at least two chest full of lava. She grinded for hours to get the iron she needed.

She and Techno were teaming with Dream, and Philza of course but Philza was on technos side no matter what. Techno had trained her to be better at PVP, so she was mainly excited about that. She walked to the obsidian square in the sky and put a bunch of lava in the dispensers. She grinned evilly as techno made potions for the upcoming days. She smiled and jumped down, her chat would have no idea, no one would.

She made her way back to Techno who gave her enchanted armor and potions. A good hour later, the stream ended and she logged off, getting ready to go to sleep after a shower. She sat under the water, and let herself break down for the third time that week. She could put up a pretty good mask when it came to streaming and everyone genuinely believed she was recovered. Her ex was hanging out more despite her wishes.

Although he was gaining her trust again and she was beginning to think he changed after all. I mean, why else would he decide to step in and save her. She and Sapnap had bought plane tickets for her to visit him and Dream in Florida. She had already had her bags packed, and she was excited.

She stepped out of the shower after she calmed down and fixed herself up before getting dressed and leaving her bathroom. She heard her door bell and knew instantly it was her ex. Caleb and her had been hanging out more, as mentioned above but they did more things outside the house and many pictures were taken.

She opened her door and let him in, before they walked to her room. "Uh.. what're your bags packed for?" He asked suspiciously. "I'm seeing Nick in Florida in a few days." Lia responded before sitting in her gaming chair while he sat on her bed. "You're not going anywhere." He said, making her flinch at his tone of voice.  "Pardon me?" She laughed in shock. "Well, he isn't your boyfriend? You're seeing a dude you've only seen once and now you're going to his home?" He said. "Caleb, I've told you. He's my boyfriend." She shot back, getting pissed off.

"Twitter says otherwise." He yelled. Standing up, she stared at him ticked off. "Now you're fucking stalking me on social media?! First it's finding my address. Not shocking, you're a fucking creep," she said and began to cry. Caleb was at her aid in seconds, holding her as she fell to the ground sobbing.

She tried to fight against his grasp but her energy wasn't there. She calmed down and began to pass out from lack of sleep. Her eyes shut and she was out for the next few hours.
To her shock, Caleb was cuddling her on the bed and she threw herself out of his hold, waking him up. "The hell?" He said, shock evident in his gaze. " I have a boyfriend, you need to back off." She whispered. "I don't want you streaming anymore. You're becoming delusional." He laughed, though the laugh hid more than shock like what the girl thought.

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