Remus <3

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Lets just owls weren't fun, I mean you focused and did well but the time leading up to them was horrible. You went every day to your normal study spot hoping Remus might decide to show up but nothing. You even did the same thing with your reading session with Severus, he didn't show. It was the last day before packing up and leaving for the summer.

"Hey is Y/n here?" You turned from your trunk and raised an eyebrow waving your prefect over. "Oh great, McGonagall wants to talk to you, seems important."

You rolled your eyes then smiled at your prefect before passing her and walking through the halls. "This couldn't wait a few hours, not like I live with her."

Peeves swooped in front of you and floated as you kept on walking, "Well why is the heir to the dark throne mad?"

"Shove off Peeves." He then slyly smiled before knocking a suit of armor which you barely moved before getting smooshed. "Seriously how are you still at this school..."

"I should be asking you that. Walking around school with a dark mark, worse than me." Your blood didn't boil, for once you felt ashamed. You reached McGonagall's office and knocked before entering. "What possibly couldn't wait till la-" Holly's parents were sitting besides McGonagall, they were crying.

"Y/n, I thought you should know...Holly was abducted by a death eater this morning." You stared at them in disbelief and shook your head. "No, no, no. You're lying, she..." They all sat there even more distraught at your reaction, "NO! Why would they even take her!"

"Druid! Calm yourself, Holly is talented and maybe none of his mindless servants were smart enough for a task..." Her father said through his gritted teeth.

"...Professor, can I be excused."

"Y/n, can you talk to him and get Holly back safe?"

"Mrs. Julls that is not saf-"

"I'm sorry, I believe he did this so I would do that. I'm not going to get captured, I'm his strongest weapon and he will never get to use me." You then turned and walked out heading to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Another year gone, it was very eventful. I would suggest staying safe this summer, who knows what will happen. Welp, enjoy your meal, I'm sure this feast will be the best yet."

You grabbed a thing of ribs and wanted to eat but the gaping whole in your stomach said otherwise.

"Y/n you really should eat." You jumped as the fat friar floated over.

"Not very hungry..."

"Oh please I can see your mouth watering," He floated closer and sat in the empty seat beside you, "Talk to them, before you get on that train tomorrow. You'll regret it."

"I don't know what you're whispering about." He pointed through gaps at Remus then at Severus.

"You're staring in pain." He floated up, "Now eat so you have energy to talk." You sighed then slowly ate your food and shot up and moved through the flow of traffic once the plates were cleared. However you didn't go to either of them, you went to the library and grabbed your favorite book before sitting in your usual seat. Five minutes passed, then fifteen and after forty five minutes you realized no one was going to come. You closed the book and the chair screeched as it was pulled and someone sat across from you.


"Look I'm sorry for ignoring you but I was just following you. It intrigues me that you also have been ignoring Snivellus..."

You took a deep breath, "I, it, Severus kissed me after you left." Remus's eyes widened and he sat back reverting his eyes to the window. "I was ignoring you because I wouldn't know what to say if you wanted to actually start a relationship."

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