My Pet

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*Warning slight NSFW*

You woke up in your dorm like usual however all the girls were still sleeping. You looked at the clock and realized it was an hour before they usually got up. You shrugged then got up and stumbled over to your trunk almost falling. "Bloody hell..." You pulled out your school cloak and your house tie. You looked around to see if anyone was faking being asleep but they were all knocked out cold. You smiled then quietly left the dorm and went to the Hufflepuff bathroom. You started a bath then took off your shirt making sure no one was around. You sighed in relief then very gently got into the bath.

"So that's how he keeps track of you." You jumped then turned around while going deeper in the water.

"JUNIOR! This is the girls bathroom!"

"You aren't a girl though, why are you in here?" You bit your tongue back and decided to just ignore him. "Do you get up before everyone else to hide it? I mean what would you do."

You quickly scrubbed soap all over you and rinsed it off, "I go in with a shirt and take it off in the water, same thing getting out. Now turn, I'm getting out."

He raised an eyebrow then turned around, "Not like you have titties, also didn't you just get in?"

You wrapped a towel around and dried yourself off, "I did but it would be terrible if a girl walked in and saw not only you but my back." You threw on your pants and started to button your shirt. "Alright your fine now." He turned around then glanced at your chest.

"Went the muggle route for surgery but recovered the wizard way?" You quickly finished getting dressed then walked right past him. "Darling don't be like that, I'll be here all year. You shouldn't start off so rubbish towards me."

You stopped in the common room and grabbed the collar of his shirt, "You caught me off guard, I hate when people do that." He smiled as he put his hand on your wrist.

"You know you are vicious when you're mad." He quietly purred and you marched away and into the hall. "Y/n look, don't be like this- Morning Slughorn- You can't keep on running away- Flitwick sir-" He stopped and seemed to be fighting himself, "I'm sorry, I can't help me being me!" You stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"Alright yeesh, I won't be so harsh on you." Your eyes darted around then you grabbed him and went under one of the stair cases. "Before more students are up." You slowly touch lips with him, locking into a subtle kiss. His hands moved down to your waist and past your thighs. You didn't want to stop, it felt so nice. Footsteps marched above your heads so you pulled away and walked out to the hall.

"Y/n? What are you doing under the stairs?" James and Sirius seemed to be in a slight rush. Junior came out from under the stairs and stood there with his hands in his pocket.

"Holy shi-"

"Sirius language. Heh Remus is not gonna be happy to hear what we found." Sirius nudged him then they both left whispering.

"Fuck, out of all the students."

"Don't worry, I'll tell them what 'really' happened." Junior winked at you then caught up with them. You slowly followed not being able to hear a thing then sat down at the Hufflepuff table. Junior sat next to you and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Shouldn't you act a little more professional?" He then stood up and leaned against the wall behind you.

"Better? They think I was just bickering with you about you trying to lose me. I told them you were annoying and that's what did the trick." You rolled your eyes and shoved the rest of your bagel into your mouth. Quickly you got up and left the room heading straight to DADA.

A life at Hogwarts (Marauders Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now