So the Rumer's Begin

151 7 1

September 1st 1972

You just ran through the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10. Everyone was rushing every direction. Parents hugging their children, kids confused on what to do, it was interesting. You put your cart to the side and carried your trunk into the train with you. No one really has entered the train yet, you picked the first cart you saw and put your trunk above your seat. You pulled out that letter and just stared at it. You felt every emotion, confusion, anger, depression.

"Yoink! What is this-" James had ripped it out of hand and handed it to Sirius. He looked scared or disgusted, you couldn't tell.

"You kept the bloody letter, You know who literally just invited you to join him and you KEEP the letter!" You got up and ripped the letter out of Sirius's hands.

"CAN YOU NOT READ! I kept it because it's the last thing my parents said to me, in a way. You know I would never go that path, what the hell did I do to make you guys hate me!"

Sirius looked like he was about to explode but James calmed him down, "Druid you know, let's go find Remus." They both left and Lucius entered. "Everyone could hear you guys yelling, what were you guys talking about?"

You pointed your wand at the letter and mumbled, "Incendio. We were talking about nothing." You looked up at him and his hair was to his chin, "Growing out your hair like Severus?"

He rolled his eyes and looked out the window, "No, it's just too much work to get a haircut." You chuckled and looked at him again, was he blushing? Severus came in shortly after the train's whistle went off. He put his trunk above you and sat next to you.

"You alright y/n? I passed those stupid Gryffindor's and they said you were going to join you know who. Look I know you might feel like you've lost everything but-"

"Sev! I'm not going to do anything stupid like that. Now please, can we not bring up anything that's happened in the last year..." You crossed your arms and looked out the window, falling asleep.

"Y/n...what did you do..." Remus was at the door and was staring behind you. You turned around and saw Elliot's lifeless body.

"W-what, Remus I didn't kill him. I swear!!" You walked towards him but stopped when he lifted his wand towards you.

"You're holding your wand! I saw! GREEN SPARKS FROM IT!" You looked at your hand and your whole body started to shake. Remus then disappeared and Voldemort appeared in front of you. He moved your hair out of your face and weirdly smiled as he looked at your wand. "Well done Y/n, you don't know how proud you've made me." You looked at him terrified as he turned you to face Elliot's body. "You are strong, y/n you make me feel like...a proud father." You dropped your wand and fell onto your knees. Voldemort grabbed your arm and pulled down your sleeve...the dark mark...You started to fling your body trying to get out of his grip but you couldn't.

"Y/N! WAKE UP! Severus go get someone!" Lucius was holding you on the floor making sure your head wouldn't hit anything. It was like you were having a seizure but that wasn't it. It slowly stopped once you finally started to open your eyes.

"Lucius they're waking up." Severus sat next to you and waited for you to speak.

"I...didn't do it...I swear..." Your eyes darted everywhere and stopped. What had just happened...

"Y/n, you were just dreaming. Sit back down, we're almost there." Severus and Lucius helped you up and sat you down. They both then started to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" They both looked at you confused.

"You need to get dressed? Our school robes?" You noticed they had both already changed, you nodded and when they left you quickly got dressed. After a few minutes the train stopped, you got out and the three of you walked out to a carriage that was being pulled by some very creepy looking horses. "What the hell are those?"

Severus and Lucius sat down and helped you up, "Carriages? Y/n are you sure you're alright?" You pointed to the creature and they looked even more concerned.

"That! What's pulling the carriage!" Lucius pulled his hair up then patted you on the back.

"There, there, nothing is pulling the carriage. Severus after the feast we're taking them to Madam Pomfrey." Severus nodded and you sat back in an annoyed matter.

Right as the houses started to head to their common rooms your arm was pulled and next thing you knew you were under the stairs. "Bloody hell! Wait Remus?"

"I just wanted to tell you I'm fine starting fresh. Also I am not going to believe anything Sirius and James have told me."

You nodded slowly, "Alright, that's great. Wouldn't they be mad if they say you talking to me?"

"I told them I was going to the bathroom...well, you should go to your common room and rest." He walked away and you waited for a while before heading to your common room. Just as you were about to open it, you realized you didn't have the password.

"Druid! Snape and Malfoy told me you needed to see the school nurse?" Professor McGonagall was walking towards you.

You rolled your eyes, "They lied Professor, now do you know the Hufflepuff password." She looked at you concerned then looked at your hand, (whichever you use to hold your wand) it was shaking slightly.

"It's the same pattern every year Y/n," She then grabbed your wrist and showed you your trembling hand, "Nurse Pomfrey has a bed for you ready." You jerked your hand back down then followed her. "Y/n what happened? Some Gryffindor's are already rumoring your going to work for you know who. I don't know what would have them thinking that." You now walked with your head down.

"You know who wrote to me kind of. He used the letter my parents were going to send me that day...I quote 'I hope in a year or more I can meet you little Druid. Based on rumors, you sound like an interesting person.' Then he appeared in my dream, in the train. Saying he was proud, and Elliot's body was on the floor, and I had the dark mark, and I'm starting to think I might've actually killed Ellio-" McGonagall held you close and shushed you in a calming way.

"You didn't y/ isn't possible for a first year to cast that. Now go rest, Madam Pomfrey should help with the shaking and panic attacks." She opened the door and you entered. Pomfrey pointed to the bed and you laid down. She looked at your hand, sighed, then handed you some liquid.

"That should do, you'll be able to go to class tomorrow. Also I insist that you avoid Gryffindor for, as long as possible." She walked away after you took the liquid then you laid in bed. Not wanting to sleep, who knew if you'd see him again. He acted like you were his child, like he adopted you the moment your parents dropped dead to the floor. 

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