The Blonde Boy in the Train

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(Kings Cross Station September 1st 1971) 

Your parents seemed more nervous than you, your luggage was set with the rest and they both kept on asking if you really wanted to go to Hogwarts.

"Sweet heart, your mom is just worried. We might both be wizards, but it is dangerous. You can live a muggle life, this is your last chance." You rolled your eyes and gave them one last hug.

"It won't be dangerous, I'll promise to stay out of trouble if it's that big of a deal." Your parents seem disappointed so you turned on your heel and ran up the steps to the train. The doors closed and the train went off, smoother than any other train you've stepped foot on before. There were many carts but all of them seemed full. You were just about to head to a dinning cart but the sliding door next to you swung open. A blonde boy, already in his cloaks, was standing at the door.

"Why don't you sit with me, it's best for you to be friends with me." Being as shy as you were, you quietly passed him and sat across from him. He crossed his arms but brought out a hand for you to shake, "I'm Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy." You shook his hand and sat back looking at your hands.

"I'm Druid, y/n Druid..." He chuckled and you looked at him, slightly annoyed, "My parents said not to speak to a Malfoy, you're lucky I'm still here."

"Your parents work for the ministry but venture near muggles, right? Let me guess, you think you'll be in Slytherin too? We'd get along well, your attitude, my rich-"

"Oh I doubt I'd be put in Slytherin, I'm not as rude as you." Two kids went running past your door then came back.

"Have you guys seen a chocolate frog?" That boy had light brown hair that could've been mistaken for red if the lighting changed. He also seemed to have scratches scared on his face. There was another boy behind him, with black hair and kind of snarled at Lucius.


"Black." You hid your smile, the tension was funny for some reason. The boy looking for the chocolate frog looked at you, he had a slight smile and seemed nervous out of the blue.

"Sorry, we haven't seen a chocolate frog...I'm y/n and I'm assuming you've met Lucius." They were silent and the boy with black hair jerked the other boy who was staring at you.

"I'm Sirius and this nervous guy is Remus. Nice to meet you Y/n." He then whispered to Remus, "Lets go before I attack Malfoy." They both hurried off and you looked outside to see the warm sun setting, Hogwarts was just around the corner. You grabbed your trunk and took out your robe.

"Lucius can you step out while I get dressed." He rolled his eyes and got up slowly walking out. Annoyed, you pushed him out and locked the door as you pulled down the shades. The robe fit you perfectly and you put your trunk back up before letting Lucius back in.

"You girls take forever to get dressed." He threw himself onto the seat and watched you try to fix the hair that kept getting into your eyes.

"Yes, girl..." You are a closeted non-binary so you decided you shouldn't come out till you have at least one very close friend. The train came to a slow halt and you looked out the window. It was very dark and the station was only lit up by a few lanterns. You grabbed your trunk and walked out of the train, you saw a pile of trunks piling up so you just added yours to it. Lucius stood by you the whole way to the school, he even rode the same boat. After what felt like a long nervous wait, you were in the great hall and the sorting hat was finally brought out.

"Alright as you know first years are to be sorted into their houses. There is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now when I call out your name sit on this stool and the sorting hat will call out your house." Sirius got put into Gryffindor and that made you think, would I fit in as a Gryffindor...

"Druid, Y/n." You nervously walked up the steps and sat down. The hat covered your eyes and you could hear it talk to you. "Hmm brave but not ambitious, ah a bit of wittiness. That won't do have an attitude but you put others before you so not Slytherin. Better be, HUFFLEPUFF!" You smiled then quickly walked over to the Hufflepuff table. They all greeted you with smiles, you smiled back but was shy again. Remus was put into Gryffindor, then Lucius was in Slytherin. The other first years in your house were very friendly, however they seemed too friendly. Once in your dorm and in bed you pulled a book out of your trunk and started to read.

"Pulled out that book so quickly, should've been a ravenclaw. I mean you won't talk to any of us, just makes sense." Two of the other girls burst out laughing. The one who didn't join them snapped.

"She's probably just shy, if anything you three should be in Slytherin for being straight up douches." You never looked up from the book, you actually continued to read it till the moon shined through the window. It was almost three in the morning. 

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